Kennah called me MAMA! Oh yes, she did!
We brought a bucket o' chicken in for supper, and the girl loves her some chicken... and corn... and chicken. She's learning that although she's apparently been taking care of most of her own needs at the ripe age of barely 3, she now has a mama to do things for her. So if Mama doesn't feed her fast enough, she taps my arm and says, "Mama," and points to what she wants.
Oh, glory be!
Feed those sweet babies! Sooo happy you finally have them! :)
so sweet and precious and YES they do have a Mama! :)
Oh my gracious. Those girlies are just precious beyond words!
Love the fried chicken story!
And the Gotcha Day outfit...seriously? Unbelievably adorable.
Keep the great posts comin'! I'm loving every one of them!
"Mama" does the heart good. So sweet. Glad they are eating and adjusting so well.
Such precious babies and so glad they have a Mama to provide those needs now. Enjoy every moment! Thanks for all of the pictures!
I'm just so thrilled to see how quickly the girls are beginning to attach- you are doing such a great job!! Your heart must feel full enough to explode! You are making me so anxious to go and get my little one- but reading your posts while we wait for LOA helps, so keep them coming!!
Such little sweethearts~
They are both so precious !!
and one of the most precious momma's i know!!! what a sweet outfit kasidi came to you in! God is sooo good and faithful as He stays near by as y'all bond!
Oh Connie, she called you mama?! AND she's letting you BE the mama?!!! I know your heart must have been just singing!
Jill the the all the pics!! LOVE IT!
OMGoodness ~ that has GOT to be THE cutest Gotcha Day outfit I have seen yet! How precious and GIRLY!!! Love it!
Just seeing these moments with your daugthers brings forth such emotions. You are blessed, my friend... simply BLESSED!! <><
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