Referral (Make it Plural)
Part II
Tuesday, April 21, my day began as usual at 5. I felt tired, sort of confused and at peace all at the same time, if that’s even possible. Clayton told me he felt the same way. Before he left to drive the school bus at 6:30 he prayed from his heart. He asked God to very clearly reveal His plan to us. He stated our desire to be obedient and that if God would orchestrate the path, we would follow.
Part II
Tuesday, April 21, my day began as usual at 5. I felt tired, sort of confused and at peace all at the same time, if that’s even possible. Clayton told me he felt the same way. Before he left to drive the school bus at 6:30 he prayed from his heart. He asked God to very clearly reveal His plan to us. He stated our desire to be obedient and that if God would orchestrate the path, we would follow.
Little did we know our world would be rocked today! At 8 the phone rang, and it was Karla. We had been praying for an answer … and she told me we had a referral! What?!? Less than a day earlier we had asked if we could adopt two children and today we have a referral. Then again, we had asked God to make His plans very clear to us.
Clayton came home as soon as he got off the bus and we reviewed the file but avoided looking at the picture. It’s truly amazing, the transformation God made on our hearts. Clayton was not at all ready for this – until God presented it. And then we both knew this was clearly His plan for us. We weren’t really afraid of his age, his special need or even the fact his paperwork was over four years old. We prayed, talked, prayed, cried and prayed some more. In the end we knew we were where God wanted us.
We called Karla back and told her we definitely wanted to adopt this beautiful boy but did not want to jeopardize our referral of a toddler. We were still waiting on a clear “Yes” from C*AA to the question of adopting two children.
We called Karla back and told her we definitely wanted to adopt this beautiful boy but did not want to jeopardize our referral of a toddler. We were still waiting on a clear “Yes” from C*AA to the question of adopting two children.
As I was driving that evening I heard a song I’d listened to a hundred times, only this time it resonated in my heart. Don’t Get Comfortable by Brandon Heath. “I’m gonna move this mountain, then I’m gonna move you in. This is not yesterday. You were standing on my shoulder, now you’re standing on the edge .. you are gonna live like you used to dream.” Our God was already moving some seemingly unmovable mountains … and He was allowing us to be a part of His plan.
By 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 22, it seemed we weren’t going to get an answer. We had already fallen hopelessly in love with this boy, and hadn’t even looked at the one photo we had received. We continued to pray and guard our hearts as we waited. At 10:45 as I was sitting at the school waiting for Kayden my phone rang and Karla was calling with the most amazing God-sized news – C*AA had granted our request to adopt two children! We are completely aware that this doesn’t happen every day. We also know there is nothing special about us apart from our Lord, and only His intervention gleaned the response we had been praying for.
We were now faced with another wait – the wait for our daughter to appear on the shared list. C*AA did not want us to lock our son’s file until we had received the second referral, and we were required to submit both Letters of Intent at the same time.
A God-sized adventure like this doesn’t come without attempted intervention from the Enemy. He has tried to rear his ugly head in many ways, but our prayer has been that God would help us to keep our gaze upon Him, draw from His strength, affirm ourselves in His ways and stay armed with the Truth.
We are not taking His blessings for granted, and we don’t want to grow complacent and comfortable. We remain in earnest prayer as He continues to ‘landscape’ as one of my friends said!
Part III still ahead …
Part III still ahead …

Go God!!!
He has blessed us beyond measure!
Love ya,
Jodi Sue :)
What an awesome testimony you and Clayton are to the power of God in humble hearts!
We love you!
Alan and Wendy
WOW!!! Amazing Connie!! I cannot wait to follow along your journey to these precious gifts!!! God is so good!!
I am STILL amazed at what God can do when hearts are surrended to follow whatever He desires. I can't wait to see the incredible plans God has for these two children. Congratulations again.
Wow, wow, wow! Just checked in on your blog and saw this news. Amazing! Congratulations!!!
How blessed you are and what a blessing you are!! I am so happy for you and your family! Praising God with you!
Oh I love to hear the praises of our Lord!
Thank you for sending me Kinley's pic! Is it bad that I want to squeeze her cheeks?????
And your Kooper...totally breathtakingly handsome!
I can relate so much to how you're feeling right now...humbled and so grateful...amazed and in awe...I was there two years ago!
I would love to chat with you about adopting two at once sometime! Get ready for the ride of a lifetime...a good ride indeed! ;) you have EIGHT kiddos!
Oh that makes my heart sing! Am I right? It's eight right?
I wish I had something profound here. I will just sum it up with "Wow".
Oh Connie. I am just so amazed at what God had planned for your family, and I'm so glad that you and Clayton were praying and listening.
It's going to be such a joy to watch ALL your kiddos in the future!
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