Showing posts with label Kandles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kandles. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Scents of Christmas ~ My Handpoured Candles are Available!

In time for gift-giving (even for yourself!), I'm offering our two top-selling scents for the Christmas season ~
Faithfulness ~ Pumpkin Pie Spice

Joy ~ Butter Cream
*Note* ~ The label is actually the same font and appearance as "Faithfulness".  I'm making "Joy" now :) 

Each candle is hand-poured by yours truly and will be shipped immediately via Priority mail.
I guarantee safe delivery.  If your candle(s) arrive damaged, I will replace them.

This time, rather than charging postage separately, I've included it in the price of the candle, making the total $18 (that's actually a .50 savings).

The blessing of these candles is two-fold ~ You get to enjoy these delicious candles that burn for days, AND you help us bring Kohlby home!  
*we are currently at day 53 of our LOA wait*

The PayPal Button is in the top right sidebar of this blog.  You may add any number and scent to your cart, and you don't have to have a PayPal account to order.
Thank you!


Monday, May 26, 2014

Candle Scents and a New Item!

Here are the newest scents!  These can be ordered from my Kandle Site... or you may leave a comment if you have questions.

I've got a fresh batch of homemade candles in these springy/summery/wintery favorites!

You may use the PayPal button in the right sidebar, or feel free to leave a comment with questions.
Candles ~ $12 + shipping
Scent bags ~ $2 + shipping

Faith ~ Clean Cotton

Faithfulness ~ Pumpkin Pie Spice 

Gentleness ~ Cotton Blossom

Grace ~ Hawaiian Breeze

Hope ~ Vanilla Bean & Brown Sugar

Joy ~ Butter Cream

 Kindness ~ Cool Water

Scent Bags for your car and home!

Cool Water ~ white

Leather ~ black

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Scentsational Selection ~ And a Giveaway!

Thank you for taking the time to vote in the previous poll!
If you'd like to help me whittle the selection down even more...and have an opportunity to win a candle, I'd love that!
is hosting a very special event on May 3:
our first annual craft fair!

I've decided to host a candle booth, and I want to keep the selection simple (like 4 scents).
So in the midst of this winter snowstorm, let's think summer...and maybe one fall scent.
I will include the Buttercream as a given because it's a bestseller year round.

I know you're busy, so I want to make it worth your time.
If you will take a sec to vote for your 5 favs on the poll and then leave a comment telling me you voted, including the one scent you'd like to have, I will enter you in a drawing for a candle!

Easy peasy.
1) vote for 5
2) leave a comment with 1 scent you'd like to have


 Clean Cotton

 Cool Tropical Breeze

 Hawaiian Breeze

 Lemon Chiffon


 Pumpkin Pie Spice

Vanilla Bean & Brown Sugar

Thank you!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Summertime Favs? *A Poll*

Oh, yes, I am thinking of summer!
I'm putting together a small collection of candles for an upcoming Oklahoma Hearts event (details later), and I'd love your input!
Do you see the poll in the sidebar?
Could you take a minute to choose 4 of your favorites?
And if your favorite isn't listed, could you post a comment and let me know what you love?





Vanilla based?
Thank you so much for helping me with this!!!
I'll keep you posted with the final collection...and details of our special event.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Behind the Scenes

It seems my blogging has been sporadic.
I haven't been sitting on my hands.  
I've been putting some new things together,
including this...
My New Kandle Site!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wax n' Wain

I keep going back and forth as to whether I should make a sweet batch of holiday Kandles.

I'm thinking if I did, it would be only the two most popular scents: Buttercream Crunch and Pumpkin Pie Spice.
I love making them, and I know some of y'all love to have them.

The only down side is they are so costly to ship.
They would cost $12 + shipping (roughly $6)

I need some inspiration, so what do you think?

Saturday, December 10, 2011


These are simply elegant, handmade candles made with high-quality ingredients that go with any decor! Both are delicious winter/holiday aromas.
I have two scents:
Buttercream Crunch.
Comes in a 3" jar
$12 + Shipping = $18.95
Available: 5

Pumpkin Pie Spice
Comes in a 2.5" jar
$9 + Shipping = $15.95
Available: 12
Here's the size difference
I will try to get the Paypal button made today, but until then you can leave a comment to order.
Or email me so I can reply and get your shipping addy.

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