I know y'all are wanting pictures first so here you go ... and then I'll start a series of posts sharing the goodness of our mountain-moving, awe-inspiring, miraculous God!
Announcing Ms. Kinley Grace! Isn't she beautiful!

Announcing Mr. Kooper Joe! Isn't he gorgeous (and slightly ornery)!
No, they are not siblings ... yet, and no, they are not in the same orphanage or even province. But they are forever our daughter and son!
Plural Referral, Part I
On April 14 I responded to a burden the Lord had only recently placed on my heart by sharing it with my husband and asking a handful of friends to pray. Through a series of circumstances, conversations and events, unbeknownst to us, God was perfectly orchestrating a journey that would change our hearts and the direction of our steps. He had broken my heart for older waiting children, the ones near aging out of the system.
Once I shared my heart with Clayton we began to pray together, struggling with the seeming impossibility and impracticality of this notion. God continued to remind us that He is not practical – He is miraculous.
We prayed for a week, and on Monday, April 20, Clayton told me I could call our adoption agency and ask if there was even a possibility we could adopt two children at the same time, a waiting older child and a waiting SN toddler. I was so frightened to ask the question because it seemed like such a crazy notion, but my heart wouldn’t let it go.
On April 14 I responded to a burden the Lord had only recently placed on my heart by sharing it with my husband and asking a handful of friends to pray. Through a series of circumstances, conversations and events, unbeknownst to us, God was perfectly orchestrating a journey that would change our hearts and the direction of our steps. He had broken my heart for older waiting children, the ones near aging out of the system.
Once I shared my heart with Clayton we began to pray together, struggling with the seeming impossibility and impracticality of this notion. God continued to remind us that He is not practical – He is miraculous.
We prayed for a week, and on Monday, April 20, Clayton told me I could call our adoption agency and ask if there was even a possibility we could adopt two children at the same time, a waiting older child and a waiting SN toddler. I was so frightened to ask the question because it seemed like such a crazy notion, but my heart wouldn’t let it go.
Karla and I talked about it, and she made no promises except to ask C*AA if they would grant special permission for us to do this. The following entry is from my prayer journal:
… We asked ‘the question’ to Karla today. Our request will go before C*AA soon, if not tonight. I am boldly praying for “Yes.” God has to orchestrate every step here and move a lot of mountains, but if this is His plan for us, He will make it happen. I want to boldly pray His Word back to Him. Psalm 5:3 … in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. v7 - But I, by your great mercy, will come into your house … v8 – Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness … Psalm 16:2 – You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing. V7 – I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. Psalm 25:14 – The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them.
Wow! God is my best friend! The more I seek Him, the more He will reveal to me. The same God who created the Universe wants to reveal Himself to me!
Psalm 27:4 – One thing I ask of the Lord; this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in his temple. Psalm 37:4 – Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
It is midnight and finally I am exhausted and have to sleep. It’s in His hands.
… We asked ‘the question’ to Karla today. Our request will go before C*AA soon, if not tonight. I am boldly praying for “Yes.” God has to orchestrate every step here and move a lot of mountains, but if this is His plan for us, He will make it happen. I want to boldly pray His Word back to Him. Psalm 5:3 … in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. v7 - But I, by your great mercy, will come into your house … v8 – Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness … Psalm 16:2 – You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing. V7 – I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. Psalm 25:14 – The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them.
Wow! God is my best friend! The more I seek Him, the more He will reveal to me. The same God who created the Universe wants to reveal Himself to me!
Psalm 27:4 – One thing I ask of the Lord; this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in his temple. Psalm 37:4 – Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
It is midnight and finally I am exhausted and have to sleep. It’s in His hands.
Part II to follow ...
Did I tell you God is good! Praise Him!
Did I tell you God is good! Praise Him!
I know that you are over the moon.
You do know that you are paving the way for other families.
I cannot wait to tag along on this really awesome journey.
Love you , My friend.
Praising The Lord with you.
I'm all in tears..happy tears. Praising God and thanking Him for you...that you were called to something so amazing...and He is and will take care of all the details. Kinley and Kooper are so beautiful/handsome!! Wow!! I cannot wait to hear the rest of the story.
All I can say right now is...GOD IS SOOOOO GOOD!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
Congratulations!!! What a wonderful God we have! I am so excited to follow you on this journey.
WOO HOO....oh yea, oh yea, oh yea....PRAISE GOD!!!!
I am over the moon with excitement for y'all....I can't imagine how excited you must be!
They are both BEAUTIFUL!!! And oh how I love ornery :-)
Love you!
WHAT WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!! I am just in awe of our Lord and the plans He holds for all of us.
LOL, I love to read about your family now ~ can't even imagine how fun it's going to be in a few months!
Wow, Wow and WOW!!!! Not just one blessing, but two!!! Congrats to you guys!
Congratulations! Both of your newest children a Gorgeous!!:) Now get out of bed, I just got home from work and I HAVE TO GIVE YOU A HUG!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!
God is so GOOD!
Dear Connie,
Double Happiness to your family!
Thanks for sharing the wonderful news and congrats on your TWO PA's! Kinley and Kooper are both adorable, I see how you couldn't resist but question is...which provinces?
Can't wait to hear more of the journey!!!!
Well - some people sleep at night and didn't get to see this until morning...
You guys *know* we are more than thrilled - not only for you, but for Kinley and Kooper!
We love you guys and are so honored to be able to walk this road with you!!!
Two more precious children that will have an awesome Mommy and Daddy and brothers and sisters that love them. How exciting! I'm anxious to see all the great things God has planned for this journey in your life. CONGRATS!!!
Greetings from China! Congrats on the PA! God is good!
Woo Hoo! I am doing the happy dance with you! I am so excited and God is so Good! What an exciting journey that awiats you! Blessing to you and your family!
Wow Connie! Whatever you were going to say....I wasn't expecting THIS!!!! Wow!! Praise God for His blessings!! I cannot wait to read more. Congratulations to your family! And to those precious children who now have a family to love them!!! Praise God!!! :)
I just want to be a fly on the wall when that boy comes home and sees brothers and sisters, a mom and dad, A FARM to play and work on, Christmases, Easters, Thanksgivings, etc.! He is going to KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt there is a GOD!
And sweet Kinley will have to learn pretty quick to get tough with Miss Kambry and Kaeleb around. OH! What fun!
Why am I always amazed at what God can do? He is God after all!
You know I have been looking at that banner with the stork carring two babies for a couple days and wondered if it was 2 kiddos but then I thought............. Couldn't be. lol..... I love miracles!
A big congrats! Funny when I saw the stork holding two children I had in the back of my mind there might be two announcements! God is so good. Can't wait to hear you have approval to travel.
:) So glad for the Johnson family-I wasn't kidding about that book thing you know! LOL! We will be praying got continues to bless each and every step to your new additionals!
Praising the Father along with you. God is so good. Congrats on your PAs.
I have been following your blog for several months now and have to say PRAISE BE TO GOD FOREVER MORE FOR HE IS STILL IN THE MIRACLE GIVING BUSINESS!!! Blessing to your family and may your children be in your arms ASAP!!
WOW!!!! I am totally amazed! I am so excited for you all! WOW!! That is all I can say - except that praise God - 2 more children are coming home to their family!! Congratulations - you will all be in my prayers!!
Way to go Jesus! Amazing! A miracle!
I knew y'all could stop at an "odd number"!
I love miracles!!!
Can't wait to hear Part II!!!
Love ya,
Jodi Sue :)
That is MY God! WooHoo!
CONGRATULATIONS x 2!!!! :) You've got some more great looking kids there. I'm so glad you finally got PA. I know you were dying to post about what God did for your family. I can't wait to see all of you together.
Two year olds and Teenagers :) Yeehaw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So glad to see the photos! You guys are going to have so much fun. I can't wait to watch it all through your blog.
Thank you Lord!
Wow!! Congratulations x 2! How absolutely wonderful!
Oh Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Thank you Jesus!
Lord you're worthy of all the glory and all the praise!
It makes me wanna shout...
WOO HOO!!!!!!!
Mr. Kooper is SO handsome! LOVE the name!
And Miss Kinley I'm sure is beautiful but I cannot see her pics b/c my computer is so picky about pictures! Will you please email them to me? Pretty please? ;)
Oh, and praying scripture speaks to my soul...especially the scriptures you prayed..thank you for sharing that!
Oh Connie! Beautiful children! You are so blessed and they will be too! Congratulations! Gina
Oh! We are on vacation and I just now was able to check! I have been praying for these children and am SO HAPPY to finally see their faces! Congrats to the Johnson family! Can't wait to see Kinley and Kooper welcomed into the Johnson clan!! God is sooo good!
I, too, noticed the two babies being carried by stork. Thought something was up. It is so "amazing" that God worked to allow China to grant you two children. I would never have thought they would. You have set a precedent I think. It never hurts to ask. Congrats!!!!
Barb, Fred, Ciana and Kai
YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!! I went to sleep after checking your blog one last time and what happens? ...the news. We are so thrilled for you guys!!! Kinley and Kooper are both gorgeous! We cannot wait to follow this journey.
God truly is awe-inspiring, mountain moving,and totally amazing. We are praying that everything moves in God's perfect timing and that He totally prepares your children for their new family.
Love ya
Kim S
Connie I am so happy for you and your family. Your newest blessings are beautiful!
Beautiful! Perfect! God-ordained! His PLAN A!!!
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