Showing posts with label Kaeleb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kaeleb. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2013

Kaeleb, the Graduate!!!

Kaeleb Jon, we are so proud of you!!!

Kindergarten is behind you, and you're ready for 1st grade!

Your royal audience.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday, Kaeleb Jon!

My littlest man turned 6!

So much 'help'!
The green stuff!
100% boy!
Happy birthday, Kaeleb Jon! Oh how we love you!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Oh, Boy!

No matter whether we're mowing the lawn, servicing the tractor, sorting corn, baking cookies, loving on church family, or whittling with Ty... youngest son wants to be in the middle of it!
Kaeleb Jon, you are 110% boy with just as much heart!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, Kaeleb Jon!

He's 5!
He's such a joy!
And 100 percent boy!
Thank You, Lord, for letting me be his Mama!
Still doing awesome!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


...with Daddy love
...Grandma love
...Aunt Ashlie love. And the unsurpassable love of our Heavenly Father!
Our first t-ball game. Safe in her daddy's arms.
He would absolutely shell each sunflower seed individually for her
Refreshment on a 102 degree day
Kambry's up to bat!
Kaeleb's up to bat and runnin' for 1st! Aren't they adorable!
The fans

And a snack after the game ~ can't beat that!

Give a girl a sucker...
...and the whole world smiles!
I am overwhelmed by His goodness! It brought me to tears last night as I put the kids to bed. I don't deserve it; I can't fathom it; I am in awe of Him!

The girls continue to amaze us. Kasidi is allowing others to hold her, and Kennah is drawing closer to me. The girl l.o.v.e.s. her daddy ~ but who wouldn't?!? She once again started calling, "Mama, Maaaama" at 4 this morning...but we're making progress :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010


We are home, and kaeleb did beautifully! He was so brave, even with the drug-induced spiders prior to surgery:). He is now enjoying the life of unlimited popsicles, pudding, jello, yogurt and noodles. Thank you for praying. I know you were ... Because when we returned home to the clan the house was still standing, there were no obvious signs of trauma, everyone was dressed and fed, and 1 teen finished his second week of summer school with an excellent report from his teacher! God is good! Off to spend some quality couch time...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Doctor's Appointments, Round II (revised)

It's Monday! We have three appointments this week ...and a post-placement home study visit. Revision: Ya'll crack me up! This is like telling a joke and having to explain the punch line (which is the way most of my jokes turn out - lol). We have our first post-placement home study visit this week because as of April 8 Kooper and Kinley are home five months - really? There is no K number 9 on the horizon...yet. But I digress, so back to the original post~
Soon it will be Saturday, right?!?
The boys returned to the ENT today, and this is what we know:

Kaeleb's ears were still full of wax that's been there since-who-knows-when. The doctor removed it and said his ears are full of fluid, also since-who-knows-when. We are going to continue the ear drops and antibiotic and return later in April. If they are still full of fluid...well, we'll go from there.

Kooper has been on allergy meds for ten days and his sinuses are still nearly closed, so in two weeks he goes in for x-rays and an allergy analysis.

Tomorrow is simple, an orthodontist appointment. Wednesday, not so much.
Thank you for your prayers!
And that's where we are...

Saturday, March 13, 2010


It's Mom...and she's got the camera and Kool-Aid!
Here we come!
You have exactly 10 seconds to take a still shot....

...cuz our trikes are waiting!!!
Hope your weekend is just as joyful!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Behold the Cuteness!

Aren't they adorable! And they call me Mama - thank you, Jesus!

Word-full Wednesday :)

Out of the mouths of babes:

Three little monkeys dancing in the kitchen, and one falls on his bum.
"Mama, I fall on my bum-bum."
(Backing up to mom).
"Tan you tiss it...right here?"

Kambry: "Mama, what you name? Are you 'Mama-Tonnie-Hon'?"

They keep me smilin'

Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy Birthday, Little Man!

No words needed :)

A truck and a tractor ... that's all a boy needs!
It's not safe in the jungle anymore ;-)
Sissy will check out your glasses and card.

Happy birthday, Kaeleb Jon! I can't believe how much you've grown in the last year. You are such a blessing, and we love you like crazy!

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