Thank you for taking the time to vote in the previous poll!
If you'd like to help me whittle the selection down even more...and have an opportunity to win a candle, I'd love that!
You see, Oklahoma Hearts for Adoption
is hosting a very special event on May 3:
our first annual craft fair!
I've decided to host a candle booth, and I want to keep the selection simple (like 4 scents).
So in the midst of this winter snowstorm, let's think summer...and maybe one fall scent.
I will include the Buttercream as a given because it's a bestseller year round.
I know you're busy, so I want to make it worth your time.
If you will take a sec to vote for your 5 favs on the poll and then leave a comment telling me you voted, including the one scent you'd like to have, I will enter you in a drawing for a candle!
Easy peasy.
1) vote for 5
2) leave a comment with 1 scent you'd like to have
Clean Cotton
Cool Tropical Breeze
Hawaiian Breeze
Lemon Chiffon
Pumpkin Pie Spice
Vanilla Bean & Brown Sugar
Thank you!