Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts

Sunday, March 29, 2015

One Week Home!

Oh, how times flies this side of the journey!

Just gonna' say, if I had my way we would never leave least for a few weeks.  But LIFE.  It happens.  Dental appointments schedule pre-travel, softball games, necessary desperate grocery runs.  They happen.
Fortunately, I have the energy to do all that's necessary, thanks to the magic milk bottle that may or may not contain melatonin :)  Thank YOU for the encouragement and prayers!  We really are doing so well!

You can't take the two-year-old outa the boy, but you can work hard to encourage the two-year-old boy to express himself without fits.  We are almost there.  Seriously.  Almost there!  In fact, we are planning to attend church next Sunday!

We've been cocooning as much as possible, and while the rest of the family attends worship the last two Sundays, Kohlby and I have stayed home to solidify the bond.  He loves it!  He still struggles sharing Mama with his siblings, but every day is better.  This week I'm going to try to build in some individual time with each of them as well.

I don't have many pictures because my hands are mostly full.  If I'm not carrying Kohlby or picking up Khloie, Kasidi, or Kennah for a quick hug, I'm toting laundry baskets.  Or cooking.  

Speaking of meal time, I'm seeking a way to make it run more smoothly.  I should have this...but I just don't.  Our current method is that everyone sits and we serve them so there aren't 14 people running around the kitchen.  When they are ready for seconds, we get them.  So there aren't 14 people running around the kitchen.  When everyone is excused, they rinse their plate, or throw it away when we use paper, and go on their merry way.  But we still have such a mess.  What do you do?

But enough of the mundane.  What about Kohlby?  He is fiercely possessive of his mama.  He's pretty cool with his daddy because his daddy is fun.  He has a special bond with Kenzie and Kayden, but also loves for Kambry to treat him like a prince of a brother.  He's crazy for Kaeleb and all the Legos he's got to offer.  He really likes Kinley's silliness.  He's growing on the people-who-are-much-too-close-to-his-size, Kennah, Kasidi and Khloie.  He loves playing with Kolton, but mostly I'm pretty sure he's flirting with Allie!

There isn't a button he wouldn't risk his life to push.  He once was terrified of our kid-friendly Great Pyrenees, but his love for the outdoors has diminished his fear some.  He doesn't mind the car seat or the stroller, and he loves the Ergo.  Dream come true, eh?

He reluctantly allows me to brush his teeth, but a week ago he clenched his teeth, so that's progress.  There are so many things I take for granted until I experience the other side of them.  

May this week be glorious as we focus on our Savior!

Monday, March 26, 2012

It Works! (and the recipe)

I've been wanting to try homemade laundry soap for a long time, but I'd just heard about the liquid/gel type. Even though I prefer liquid soap in my front load, I wasn't sure I wanted to try the homemade version.

A discussion on FB last week spurred my interest again, and I got a recipe for powdered soap. I know some of ya'll have been doing this for years, but I'm kinda slow about these things.

It's like all my favorite recipes ~ 5 ingredients or less :)

I've been using it for a week now and can say I love it! Well, who loves laundry soap? Unfortunately, we do have a longstanding relationship...but this is going to save boatloads of money!
Now if I could just get a money-saving recipe for diapers, toilet paper, baggies...
Here's the soap recipe:
1 bar Fels Naptha soap, finely grated
2 c. Borax
2 c. Washing Soda (not baking soda)
1 c. Oxyclean (optional, for stain fighting)
1 c. baking soda (optional, for odors)
Mix the ingredients (I used an ice cream tub). Use 1/8 cup for front load.
Also use white vinegar in rinse cycle for softness.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

One Week Ago

We were saying goodbye to Rebecca and starting the long journey home!
Now we are all healthy and doing well!
Today we are looking forward to our family gathering. Kuyler is even coming home so for the first time since the airport, all eight of my babies will be together! Praise the Lord!

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