Showing posts with label School as a non-traditional student. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School as a non-traditional student. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

One Semester Down!

I can't believe my first semester is finished! There were days I wanted to quit and days I thought I needed to quit. And the thought of two more years of school is daunting, but right now I'm going to celebrate finishing this semester with straight A's!

I have 5 days till early session summer school starts. I'm taking 15 hours this summer, then 20 next fall...but I am racing for the prize. Thank you for so many words of encouragement!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

From the Fryin' Pan into the Fire!

I only have a couple mid-terms left (which I'm totally not worried about), and now my focus is on my term paper.! What-the-heck is APA format anyway? And who's the wise guy who started it? And what-in-the-world am I doing?
I just love kids and adoption and change.for.the.better.
I don't like research.
I do like writing.
Can I combine my love for writing with the necessity to research the facts and come up with my first APA formatted term paper that will pass?
I'll let you know.
Right now, I must walk away from this computer...

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