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School as a non-traditional student.
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Showing posts with label
School as a non-traditional student.
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I can't believe my first semester is finished! There were days I wanted to quit and days I thought I needed to quit. And the thought of two more years of school is daunting, but right now I'm going to celebrate finishing this semester with straight A's!
I have 5 days till early session summer school starts. I'm taking 15 hours this summer, then 20 next fall...but I am racing for the prize. Thank you for so many words of encouragement!!!
I only have a couple mid-terms left (which I'm totally not worried about), and now my focus is on my term paper.! What-the-heck is APA format anyway? And who's the wise guy who started it? And what-in-the-world am I doing?I just love kids and adoption and change.for.the.better. I don't like research.I do like writing.Can I combine my love for writing with the necessity to research the facts and come up with my first APA formatted term paper that will pass?I'll let you know.Right now, I must walk away from this computer...