The first 2 nights everyone slept all night. Last night between 10 pm and 2 am Miss Kennah periodically called, "Mama...Maaaaama." She wasn't upset; she just wasn't asleep. She finally dozed off, and all was well.
I can't complain about the girls' transition. It's been amazing really.
Smarties work great for giving Mama a chance to use both hands and get some things done.
So far we've been visited by the Frables and the Hamms (we love visitors!)
Yesterday, the Muellers and Addingtons stopped in to see us. Kennah took right to 'Uncle' Jay ~ or was it the iPhone? Seriously, my kids love these families!
Kasidi flashed a smile for Michelle. Jay and Michelle are in the process of adopting from China!

Someone taught Kennah to shoot the Nerf gun ~ thanks :)
Kasidi gets some floor time with Daddy and Kooper
Kennah actually prefers her daddy. I think two weeks of Mommy was all she wanted for a while. But we had some breakthroughs yesterday. She actually wanted to sit on my lap. And Kasidi allowed it, without pushing her away. Kasidi even kissed her! Maybe the two of them are finding some security in the relationship they shared for two weeks before the rest of the Krew entered the picture. Whatever it is, it's good! I think each day we will see blooming!
Today my goal is to plan a menu (and send someone on a grocery spree). This flying by the seat of my pants for mealtime is getting old and stressful. I wish I'd had time to freeze meals before we left. As long as the girls get fed, I'm ok.
We've put Kennah on PediaSure in hopes of putting some weight on her, and she loves the stuff. We'll be seeing docs next week.
Tonight we get to watch Kaeleb and Kambry's first t-ball game - and maybe Kenzie's softball game. Not sure we'll last that long...
...every good and perfect gift is from above... James 1:17
your family just leaves me speechless! God is sooo good! Wish I was closer and could go grocery shopping for you! Love you!!! thanks for the reminder - i should probably make some meals before i leave! :)
Sounds like over all things are going great!
We'd love to meet up sometime, we will be coming sort of your way to visit the Cavern later this summer so we'll see.
It's awesome to see your family together!
Maybe Lori can come fold Laundry for me too!!!!
You are amazing! :) Have a great day!!!
This is the part I love! It is absolutely beautiful to see how these beauties adjust to their families and friends. Go God!
What a great MAMA you are! You go girl, you are beautiful and your children have such an amazing full of energy mommy to look up too!
hugs as you adjust!
You are one amazing Mama!
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