I'm a visual person. I like to teach with visuals, and I like to be taught with visuals. So when I read my devo this morning, it really resonated with me. Not just because it was relevant, but also because it was visual. The author shared an illustration of a burial. It could be an offense, a burden, a hurt.
taking a shovel and digging a hole. make it really deep. then toss the thing into the hole. go ahead, toss it!

Is your hurt too deep?
The offense too big?
The burden too heavy?
Bury it!
I'm reminded of how many of my wrongs God has buried ...and then brought forth new life.
Lord, help me bury the things in my life, and please turn them into something that glorifies YOU.
Hi Connie, I've tried to email you and it keeps coming back to me. I just wanting to ask you a few adoption questions pertaining to adopting two at once. Thanks, Melissa Brianmelissasmith@yahoo.com
Thanks for sharing this! I needed this today! You continue to be an inspiration to me. It was good to see you at the pool last week with all your precious children (almost all of them). Hunter had a blast with Kaleb! :)
Beautifully written. Oh, how we tend to forget how God buries our wrongs. He loves us so much!!
oh what a beautiful visual! thank you for sharing!
I too am very visual and when I
teach I love to use visuals!
I loved this!!
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