Lest you think things are perfect here, I will set the record straight ;-)
It's true, the girls are transitioning miraculously well, but we are not livin' the stuff fairy tales are made of.
I'm not even talking about the piles of laundry waiting for me every morning, threatening to interfere with the precious moments I need with my Lord.
I'm not talking about the need to start another meal by the time I've cleared the aftermath of the last one. On that note, I just want to say THANK YOU to the families who are bringing us meals! It's a huge blessing! (If you're wondering how to minister to an adoptive family, this is an incredible way to do so!)
I'm not talking about the fact that our suburban doesn't hold all of us. We are still hoping to receive the adoption tax refund which will allow us to buy a bigger vehicle...but like so many other adoptive families we are still waiting...
I'm not talking about the fact that Clayton is so busy planting, fertilizing and spraying corn that I've got a semi-single-parent thing going on (which I'm lousy at!).
I'm not talking about the fact that Falls Creek is less than 2 weeks away, and I'm still praying about going, with 2 new girls in tow. I can't imagine missing it, and I think the girls will do fine; I'm just not sure if I will recuperate physically once we come home, especially with sweet corn harvest starting a week later.
I'm not talking about the fact that eventually I will have to return to work. Fortunately, I don't leave home every day for work, but still, it's an added responsibility that tests my sanity :)
What I am talking about are typical adoption/transition/attachment/health issues.
Kasidi appears to have allergies - imagine that in our windy, dusty climate. Once we do the usual post-adoption checkup/bloodwork/immunization stuff she will be seen at the spina bifida clinic to begin the rotation of diagnosis, testing and treatment. She's doing fantastic, really! She loves all her siblings, but is quick to let them know when they are between her and her mama ;-) Emotionally, she's coping as I would expect. She's pretty much my appendage, but I can put her down to play sometimes. It makes getting things done very challenging, but I'm realizing those things will eventually get done when they need to. Everyone will eventually run out of clean underwear and dishes, and then someone will take action :)
Miss Kennah, at 3 years old, struggles with new challenges each day. She has decided Mama is somewhat awesome. So awesome in fact that she can't leave my side. At first she would eat like there was no tomorrow, and we celebrated the fact she'd gained 2 ounces! But now she piddles with her food, and won't finish it. I frequently have to call Daddy out of the corn field to come in and tell her to eat. Ridiculous, I know. If I weren't concerned about her health, I'd let it go.
Kennah also struggles with language. She understands most everything we say; she just doesn't talk. The orphanage staff told our guide repeatedly that Kennah's 'speech wasn't clear.' Understatement! I know it has everything to do with her cleft, and I'm so anxious to get her into the cleft clinic. Just waiting on insurance paperwork - ugh. We've taught her signs, and she's so stinkin' smart that she refuses to use her words. Then two days ago she started whining. She can whine like a pro! Oh my word. She will stand at the door and whine to go outside; she will whine for a drink, whine for a snack, whine to go potty. The whinometer has reached the top! I pray for compassion and understanding every day. My heart knows it's part of the routine; my head just needs to be reminded. On the other hand, she looks at me with those big eyes and smiles, and I can't refuse her. She will randomly break into dance and song, which is so adorable, and she shows true compassion and empathy toward anyone who is upset. So I will stop my whining, get on my knees and accept that this is what we signed up for...
Thank you for sharing about how it is going!!!
Sounds like a whirlwind, Connie. Thank you for sharing real life with your precious girls. Life is an adventure for sure.
Love it girl! You are such a good mommy! I was wondering about Falls Creek and have been praying for you! I worry about you - sorry it's the job description of your friend - and that is what I signed up for! :)
Love you!
Oh good, you are normal! But being "normal" is very hard. Will start to pray specifically for those things you mentioned...it's the little stuff that gets to you day after day.
Praying for all of you Connie, God Bless you for being Mama to those precious little ones! It is awesome to be able to be honest about all of the day to day realities of life with children, that is how we learn from each other, and besides how else would we know what to pray for, for each other. You are doing a wonderful job!
Praying for you girl!!
Hardest part!! Hardest part!!! Over Before Christmas!!!
Keep repeating!!!
Thanks for sharing. Wish we lived just a little closer, we'd love to bring you supper and meet your family!
These pictures made me smile!
I am so with ya! This is what we signed up to do and I love your determination!!
Game on!! Is right!!
Thanks for the update! Been home 2 months and now big kids are here- oh my the laundry, to food, the mess!
BUT like you said "Game on!
And in the midst of "game on", I know the Lord is smiling and giving you strength for each meal, each laundry load, each whine (including your own!!) and loving how you love, my friend!! Hugs, Praying and Love to you!!
You are so blessed! I admire you and your choice in creating your family ( a little jealous too ....LOL I would LOVE to adopt more children). People do not realize how hard it is when you come home with your new bundle of joy (or two). Bringing home toddlers who need to attach is hard. I only have one but received no help physical or financial.
I will pray for you for the & help you need. Strength will be provided.
LOVE your update friend..thank you for being so real!! Are you guys planning on see the colorectal team in Cincinnati for Kasidi? They are incredible!!! Hugs mama!!!
Glad to know I'm not the only one who can't keep up with it all! You're a wonderful mom and an inspiration to others. Thanks for sharing the ups and the downs.
I stumbled across your blog & reading about your journey has been amazing, inspiring and encouraging.
I praise & thank God for the passion he has given you to care for and share Christ's love with orphans and for how He has provided for all your needs along the way.
Keep trusting our good God through whom you can do all things!
Thanks for sharing your life :-)
thank you for sharing and being open and honest. it is not always perfect but gets better day by day! angie
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