I love the way the Lord has brought so many friends into our lives through the miracle of adoption ~ so many people we would've never met but for this crazy journey!
Some of you we've never formally met, but we share such a connection we feel like we've known you forever.
Occasionally we are blessed to actually meet some of you! We first 'met' Mark and Anita on the LYG yahoo group, because Kasidi and their Kaylin are both from there! We discovered we live less than 3 hours apart and we share a heart for the Lord, the body of Christ and the orphan.
We were privileged to visit the church they pastor on Orphan Sunday, and we greeted them when their Kaleb came home 2 months ago! We watched the Lord miraculously provide every dime to bring this precious Treasure home!
Last Monday they blessed us by making the trip to our place. I'm not sure we finished any conversation, but we sure covered a lot of subjects :)
Mr. Greenthumb is really busy with the corn crop, but Mark seemed fine with tagging along. Of course, we promised to share some of the sweet stuff with them in July ;-) I can't tell you how many shots it took to get a picture of us with our newest Treasures, but we had fun trying.

Awesome friendships!!! I just think there is someone missing from these pictures - just sayin' :) Tee! Hee!
Hey there....we LOVED stopping in and we'll be headed back again for some of that sweet corn and sweet tea! ;) We are so blessed to have the Lord bring our families and Jodi's family (hey Jodi...aren't you boarding a plane about now!) and so many others together through His miracle of adoption. Love you all!
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