I am seriously lacking pictures so I'll make up for it this week :) It seems we've been doing a lot, yet nothing at all. Here's the week in review:
After a much-anticipated visit from our friends, the Ls, on Saturday, Kayden was wore out! This occurred as we were waving goodbye. Can you believe I didn't take any pictures of the kids while they were here?!? I'm still claiming jet lag (3 weeks for 3 weeks)! More about the visit below.
... is officially retired! Part of me wants to save it in Kaeleb's treasure box, and part of me wants to send it back to China with the next traveling family. After all, it has served us well, and maybe some other family can be blessed by it.
I'm such a home body it's ridiculous, but it's a good thing right now because we are all back on track, sleeping normal hours, and sticking to as much routine as possible. We've even been on time for church since coming home! Structure is our friend right now.
Last week was awesome. On Monday Clayton took Kaeleb to school for the obligatory "Show and Share" in Kolton, Kenzie and Kayden's classrooms. Then Tuesday Ladena picked Kayden up from Pre-K (withdrawals from three weeks of it???) and brought lunch out! Then April joined us for a visit. Some of my awesome friends arranged to have my house cleaned on Thursday, and what a huge blessing that was! Tracy, you did an amazing job, thank you. That day Clayton, Kayden, Kambry, Kaeleb and I made the two hour drive to visit my parents. My dad is mostly confined to the bed now, except for short outings in the wheelchair. He was very clear, and we had a good visit. He enjoyed meeting Kaeleb and talked about how many grand kids he has ~ 15! I am sorry to say he is still as stubborn as ever and refuses to accept Christ "today." For those of you who have been praying for him, we truly appreciate your continued prayers, and please remember my mom as well. Her life has changed drastically.
We've made two diaper and formula runs. Clayton is already telling the kids when we have grand kids he's not changing any diapers ~ 20 years is enough :) Maybe a year from now there will be no more diapers!
Today Clayton's brother Tim, his wife Lisa, and their son Carson met us at church and then we went to lunch. My poor SIL will never want to join this crew for lunch again :)
As I said, we had a wonderful visit from our friends up north on Saturday. We've known them for about 4 years and followed their journeys to bring their two China-born daughters home. Imagine our surprise last August when I called to tell them God had revealed our waiting son in China, only to find out they had been praying for this very same child! I suspect they have been planning this visit for several months so they could meet the precious child God would allow us to call our own! In the evening we invited another family out who will travel in May to bring their precious daughter home. They've been waiting over 2 years, and we are so excited for them!
It's always so encouraging to visit with families who "get it" when it comes to adoption. In the last week I've been asked, "weren't your 3 enough?" and my answer to that is, read James 1:27 and see what God has to say about it! As for the stranger sitting across the room in the doctor's office, who yelled, "Howdja get a boy?" ... well, that may require application of "taming the tongue" or maybe no response is necessary.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind questions ~ in fact, I love questions and see them as open doors to brag on God! But people who are genuinely interested don't blurt out stupid questions in front of 5 of my children. And I expect the "Are they twins?" It's a reasonable question, and an open door. But maybe when I'm feeling ornery I'll just say, "YES, they're 21 and 22 months old!"
It's obvious my brain is running on limited capacity now so I'll end with that :) Blessings to you all!