Since so many have been praying for, giving to and helping with our non-stop fundraising efforts to bring our two Treasures home, I thought I should give an update as to where we are.
We knew from the moment God prompted us to move again that the funds would come from His miraculous provision...cuz to be perfectly blunt, after five adoptions in seven years, we got nothin'.
But if we had what we needed, how would He receive all the glory?!?
In August we started with this ~

He provided!
We've had two camera giveaways (huge success, thanks to you!!!); we've been awarded three generous grants so far, and we have two Both Hands projects, one of which has already been completed. We've participated in the Wild Olive Tee fundraiser, Scentsy, had two friends making hairbows, sold squeaky shoes, mums, poinsettias, sold more tees at a women's luncheon, held a h.u.g.e. garage sale...and so much more.
And look what the Lord has done!!! He's provided $27,000 in the ransom to bring our girls home. But...
...based on the cost of our last duo adoption, we still need approximately $25,000. Really? Seriously! And based on our current time frame, we have 2.5 months to come up with it. While this is impossible for us, it is absolutely, completely possible for God! Because HE is our Provision!

Will you please pray for our family? Pray that we would seek His guidance in fundraising; pray for stamina; pray for priority.
Since we have another Both Hands project on April 9, our adoption account with Lifesong will be open until April 30th. If you wish to make a tax deductible contribution, you may do so using the Lifesong Donate button on the side bar.
We will be holding a couple more fundraisers, as necessary and as the Lord leads, for travel expenses.
One thing we've learned through this incredible process is that not only is God faithful, always, but He honors our giving. Even though we've been fundraising from the beginning, we've been prompted to give to several other adoptive families. And every.single.time we've done that, He has returned the blessing! Seriously! That was not our motivation in giving, and His provision has always come in unexpected forms ~ to Him be the glory for all He has done and continues to do!
Another thing we know ~
As much as we already love these two Treasures....

Praying for your family, and praising God for His faithfulness in meeting your needs.
Our family is also adopting two children at once. I have found my faith lacking many times during this process and admit to wondering if this is His will or mine. It's just been SO much harder than I could have imagined. Your determination,faith and joy have inspired me today. Thanks and may God mightly bless your efforts!
You will get there. Just keep the faith! Just today another good thing happened. If you read my latest blog post, you will see that a new opportunity has come my way to sell more bows for you.
I'm going to make as many as I can in the next two weeks for that sale and hope I sell out!
Hang in. Soon you will have them home!
You and your sweet little ones are
in my prayers! I know He is faithful
and will provide.
We received our LOA the same day
as you and we were shocked (we never
even received our LID and still haven't)
Everything has happened so fast our
sweet SW said, "This is a miracle!"
We had just enough money for the
Visa's and to pay the agency. God has
opened doors and we are almost there!
We were shocked when we were told we
would be traveling in two or three months!
It has only been eight months since we
started! Only God!!!
Praying for you and your treasures! We're financing our own adoption and it is amazing to see how God provides! He is awesome! I just finished reading "Rebel with a Cause" and he talks about God Room - Asking for more than could ever be humanly provided and seeing God make it happen for His glory! That's what's going on here - you're making room for God to show His glory through providing for these amazing little treasures!
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