I know some folks steer clear of the teen crowd.
But I've gotta tell ya, I consider it a privilege to serve as a youth leader and Sunday school teacher.
We don't always know what's on their minds, if anything, and sometimes their words and their actions don't jive.
But they teach me so much!
Okay, some of it I probably don't need to know :)
But they teach me a lot about myself.
How do I really love?
What does freedom in Christ really mean?
Why are we so uptight anyway?
Did I mention, How do I really love?
We have seen the Lord's heart in so many children and teens in the past several months.
Teens have raised funds in a garage sale to give to our adoption.
Children have held fundraisers to give to our adoption.
Teens from other states have sent us funds for our adoption.
Teens within our church are 'babysitting with purpose,' in order to contribute to adoptive families.
Teens are designing and selling hair bows and giving the proceeds to an adoptive family.
Teens are stepping to the front of the line to serve on our Both Hands projects.
Children and teens are sending letters, asking for sponsorship as they serve on our Both Hands team.
And let me tell you about one amazing red-headed gal.
I don't know when the Lord asked her to start giving to our adoption fund.
All I know is on three occasions she's sent funds home with Kenzie with instructions to place them in the adoption fund. So far they have totaled over $150!
Last night I texted her to tell her thanks and "U rock!"
She replied, "That wasn't mine; it was always yours."
TD, you bring me to tears, girl! And you do rock!
It's got me thinking, How do I really love?
Never underestimate the power of a teen!!! Especially one who has a heart for the Lord!!! Love it!!! and TD love you and your beautiful heart that wants to serve God!
what a powerful message in that teen's text reply to you! i'm trying to teach my kids that our "things/money/time" are not 10% God's...its all God's. thanks for sharing those thoughts and blessing. :)
TD ~ I love you too and your heart is on fire for God! Thanks for being obident, and to all the teens following the heart of God and giving and working/serving for the Lord, Im so proud of you as well! You always make me smile and I love you all! Now Connie ~ Thank you so much for sharing your heart, and although your not the mom (biological :) but you are like their mom) you have taught them so much on how to love and give by your examples! I love working side by side with you as we serve our Lord and work with those TEENS! Im so glad that God has called both of us together! Love you and your heart! U Rock!!!!
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