Something amazing is going to happen tomorrow! The enemy has heard about it and is fighting it, but I claim he will not be victorious! Here's where we need your help~
You've heard the saying 'three sheets to the wind.' Well, we are currently '30 shirts to the wind.' Actually, it's 40, but that doesn't fit the saying (I'm trying to laugh about it so go with it).
On the day of Kinley's surgery, February 15th, we received an incredible email. My friend Laine connected us with her friend Kristie. Kristie lives in Georgia and is a member of a ministry which hosts an annual women's luncheon. Kristie has been burdened for the orphan and for fundraising families, and the Lord led the group to our family! Awesome, I know! The Lord works in the background, touching hearts and moving people we don't even know.
There are over 300 women expected to attend tomorrow. Kristie and I have spent lots of time on the phone sharing our testimony and coordinating the 'focus.' She will speak on behalf of our family and show our "Make a Difference" video. She wanted to help with our Wild Olive tee fundraiser and asked if we could purchase tees to sell at the luncheon. After much prayer and coordinating with the amazing WOT team, we decided to purchase 40 tees.
20 of these~

I have refused to worry about this. As God would have it, my devo verse this morning was Luke 12:25-26 ~
"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?"
Will you pray expectantly with us that this 'lost' package will show up in Kristie's mail today? God is sovereign! He already knows the hearts He will touch tomorrow! And He will repay the funds we've expended for the shirts, and then some! Because this is HIS journey!
Praying & believing!
I hope the package is found safe soon.
God will not let you down! Somehow it will work out!!
All glory goes to HIM!
Hey where did you order the t-shirts? They're beautiful!
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