Homemade chocolate chip cookies. A sweet teaching moment for Kenzie and L.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
So much to tell ~ so little time
There is so much life going on around here and some new things in the works that I don't know where to begin ... so I'll just share some pictures for now.
Homemade chocolate chip cookies. A sweet teaching moment for Kenzie and L.
The dough is always the best!
These aren't bad either
Teddy Graham, Teddy Graham, where are you?
Teamwork! We're seeing more and more of these priceless moments.
How did this happen? And is it negligent for me to grab the camera instead of the kid??? Okay, it was Friday, I had forgotten her high chair at the sitter's so she was eating like a big girl in a chair, until I turned my back and found this ...
I love my big brother ... and his clothes!
A little something for her senior slide show? Oh my!
Afternoon bliss
Kaeleb's Certificate of Citizenship!
Life is good! We are so blessed! Soon we'll be celebrating Kambry's 2nd birthday, the end of school, the beginning of softball and baseball season, burying ourselves in sweet corn and watermelons for sale, menu planning for Kids Falls Creek, organizing youth Falls Creek, having our first reunion with Kambry's travel group and hopefully working just a little bit more :) A group of five gals from our church are also launching an adoption ministry that I'm so excited about! We are all passionate about God's heart for adoption and children, and I can't wait to share as it unfolds. May God be glorified! Kaeleb is eating anything and everything, and he frequently comes to Mommy for love! He's so passionate about life. He's got the best belly laugh and is generally very happy. On the other hand, when he's mad, he's very mad. Strong willed, just like his mom ;-)
Homemade chocolate chip cookies. A sweet teaching moment for Kenzie and L.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Random acts of chaos :)
What have we been up to this week? The school band concert and music program was last night. Kayden loves to sing!

Kambry accompanied with Kenzie's drumsticks on the bleachers.
Kaeleb wanted to either get down or go home!
Kayden drew a Zero for show and tell today ~ it's the letter Z.
Karaoke with Dora's telescope?
Kambry has slept through three nights in her toddler bed ~ yeah!
Q. Guess what his favorite toy is?

Kambry accompanied with Kenzie's drumsticks on the bleachers.
A. The one that makes the most noise!
Mommy has help with laundry ...
... or not! He'd rather drag it out of the washer.
Where's Kambry?
Nobody has to show my boy how to push a doll buggy. Sort of like a scoop shovel, right?!?
And those are the highlights of our week. The weekend is almost here, but who can afford to go anywhere with gas at $3.49??? And have you bought groceries lately? I need to find a job on the way to the store just to fill my tank, then the prices seem to rise between entering and exiting the store. Makes we want to resort to protein shakes and ice water :) We've officially eaten all the meals I prepared before leaving for China, so it's back to menu planning for me. The kids are doing great! Kaeleb and Kambry are playing together and *learning* to share. Kuyler is coming home for the weekend, then after finals he'll be home to work for the summer! I love having the whole family together. We are also hoping to make a trip to the airport Sunday afternoon to welcome some friends home with their precious daughter from VN! So, how's that for a random and chaotic post ;-) Have a blessed weekend!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Is it any wonder ...
... I don't get more done every day? I could follow Kambry around with camera in hand all day long!
Daddy decided we needed a new bedtime routine. He misses reading to his girls! So instead of rocking Kambry for over an hour, he set up her toddler bed and read to all three girls tonight, and she fell fast asleep! Ahhhh! It's kind of sad but maybe it will be a good thing too. She struggles to go to sleep. I think there's just too much life to be lived by Miss Kambry for her to waste time sleeping ;-)
But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. Rom 8:25
Mothering a Multitude
A few years ago a friend shared this excerpt with me, and I just felt I needed to pass it on. Every day I feel inadequate as a mother, wife and friend, and I am learning to see myself as God sees me, His beloved creation. I have no idea why He has blessed me so much, but I hope to pass on His blessings.
The mother of a multitude has some characteristics not always seen or experienced in small-to-medium families.
Multiple mothering requires that you stockpile hand-me-downs until you could open your own thrift shop. It’s taking two carts and a husband to handle the overflow when you do your grocery shopping. It’s never having a problem with leftovers because there aren’t any.
It’s wondering what happened to your tulip bed but knowing better than to ask. It’s never being lonely, yet fighting for a moment of solitude. It’s peeling potatoes until you rue the day Idaho joined the Union. It’s wishing you could have just one roll of Scotch tape to call your own.
It’s giving repeated thanks for the services of electricity, running water, Frigidaire, General Mills, an all-weather house, a healthy body, and the indefatigability of the Holy Spirit.
(Excerpted from book)
The mother of a multitude has some characteristics not always seen or experienced in small-to-medium families.
Multiple mothering requires that you stockpile hand-me-downs until you could open your own thrift shop. It’s taking two carts and a husband to handle the overflow when you do your grocery shopping. It’s never having a problem with leftovers because there aren’t any.
It’s wondering what happened to your tulip bed but knowing better than to ask. It’s never being lonely, yet fighting for a moment of solitude. It’s peeling potatoes until you rue the day Idaho joined the Union. It’s wishing you could have just one roll of Scotch tape to call your own.
It’s giving repeated thanks for the services of electricity, running water, Frigidaire, General Mills, an all-weather house, a healthy body, and the indefatigability of the Holy Spirit.
(Excerpted from book)
One month home!
I see a trend!

Much better
Saturday was a beautiful day for jumping on the trampoline with the sprinkler ...
... for digging a pond in the driveway instead of mowing ...
For hanging out with Scooby ...
And for taking a drive
Is the coast clear?
Livin' life to the fullest, that's Kambry!
Saturday was beautiful! The kids actually got to play in the water (or mud). And I don't know what ever possessed me to rock my flowerbeds several years ago, but I spent the day unrocking them! It was one of those amazingly fun and productive days.
Sunday we left home very (very) early to visit my dad. Although he knew all of us, he wasn't clear enough for good conversation. He enjoyed seeing the kids, but couldn't keep the K Krew straight. I told him even I have that problem ;) Then by 10 a.m. we headed north to the country church near my parents' home. These neighbors have been praying for and loving on my parents for many years, and we were blessed to visit them. This is the community I grew up in, and it was so nice to go home. Clayton and I shared our adoption testimony. It's always a pleasure to brag on God! After joining the pastor and his family for a delicious lunch, we stopped at my folks' ranch to check on some expecting heifers. Sure enough, Clayton and Kolton needed to pull a calf (that's labor and delivery talk for you city folk ;). Mom and baby were fine and we were on the road again. We got home around 8:30 p.m., long day, but it was worth every minute! I just know God has great things in store for this week!
Much better
Sunday we left home very (very) early to visit my dad. Although he knew all of us, he wasn't clear enough for good conversation. He enjoyed seeing the kids, but couldn't keep the K Krew straight. I told him even I have that problem ;) Then by 10 a.m. we headed north to the country church near my parents' home. These neighbors have been praying for and loving on my parents for many years, and we were blessed to visit them. This is the community I grew up in, and it was so nice to go home. Clayton and I shared our adoption testimony. It's always a pleasure to brag on God! After joining the pastor and his family for a delicious lunch, we stopped at my folks' ranch to check on some expecting heifers. Sure enough, Clayton and Kolton needed to pull a calf (that's labor and delivery talk for you city folk ;). Mom and baby were fine and we were on the road again. We got home around 8:30 p.m., long day, but it was worth every minute! I just know God has great things in store for this week!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Light Week (this is good!)
Kuyler and Kenzie singing Matthew West's "Safe and Sound."

"I didn't do it; did you do it?"
Two cuties
"Maybe Mommy won't find us in here!" Notice Kambry's shoes.
Life is good! My workload is pretty light right now so I get to spend lots of time at home with the kids. Kaeleb is doing so well! He is my champion sleeper ~ thank you, Lord! And Daddy has Kambry duty at night :) Kaeleb now baby sign's "Mommy" and "Daddy" as well as the others he's learned. Today I was on the floor playing with Kambry and he walked up behind me and gave me a hug! He can now eat almost anything as long as we give him enough water to get it down. I guess I spend so much time trying to teach these two what they can and can't get into, that Kambry now has this not-so-adorable habit of tattling. She will yell, "Mama, Bubba no-no." :) :) :) I can't believe Kuyler has only three more weeks to the end of his freshman year! And Kolton, Kenzie and Kayden have just over four more weeks of school! I've had so many reminders of God's faithfulness this week, and one of them was an email from Karla, our Lifeline Social Worker, dated August 6, 2007, asking us if we wanted a certain file placed on hold while we made our final decision! That was less than nine months ago, and the precious boy whose file we placed on hold is now asleep in my arms! Praise God for His faithfulness!
Matthew West :: Safe and Sound
You must hear this song! This is only a 29 second snippet of it, but it is amazing. Kuyler and Kenzie sang it in church, and it brought tears to my eyes. Don't forget to turn my music off at the bottom of the page first.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Thank you!

Monday, April 14, 2008
Back on Track
Let me out!
Kenzie's chalk art
Aahhh, time for a kiss
Daddy got Mommy a new wheelbarrow to do some yard work ... or transport her beautiful Flowers!
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Heb 12:2-3
I am ashamed to say I really lost focus this past week. I temporarily let my circumstances steal my joy. I am so blessed, how could I succumb to my momentary troubles? The weariness of teaching two toddlers that the rules haven't changed since they attempted their naughtiness five minutes ago, and trying to stay on top of the germs and yuck of the stomach bug they've had. The engine in Kuyler's 'new' car went out while we were in China, one month after he bought it, and it will cost the value of the car to repair. More adoption debt than we've ever experienced and a miracle to alleviate it. The need to return to work but the lack of desire to do so. The stress of starting a new business this summer. My dad's rapidly declining health and refusal to accept the Lord.
Wow, did I lose sight of the Lord! I will not let these things steal the joy within! I have had a huge chip on my shoulder all week, and thank goodness it's beginning to fall away as He gives me perspective. God had blessed me so much; He has once again given us the gift of life in our family, and yet I grumble. God has once again allowed us to experience the miracle of adoption, His heart! He is the faithful One; He is the only One who is always trustworthy, and He loves us as our Creator. This week I will fix my eyes on Him!
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