Here she is!
I want to share the whole story with you...all the amazing things God has done and continues to do. And I will. But today I know you'd just go straight to the pictures :)

...whose orphanage bed will soon be empty - oh, praise you Jesus!

Those eyes!

She is not in the same orphanage as Kasidi Joy, but she is in the same province! And she turns 3 next month, which will be the last birthday without her family.
And this Mama will never again refer to her as 'the reason for increased costs.'
My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord.
Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever.
Psalm 145:21
Praise Jesus! Such a beautiful blessing. Can't wait to see Kennaha and Kasidi hanging out with the krowd!!!!
Congrats to your precious family.
luv u!
Congratulations! How wonderful to have these two girls become part of your family at the same time!!!!
Praising God for that empty bed.
Aaahhhhhh....what a sweetheart!!!!!
So rejoicing with your precious family, friend.
Praying for PROVISION!!!
Connie, she is absolutely adorable. Your an awesome family.
Finally!! we get to see this precious little girl!! I love the name choice:) God is so great! He is using you and Clayton in such a great way, keep your chin up and your faith strong! love ya guys!
*Finally*! I have hit the refresh button so many times lately! ;-)
Kennah is a beautiful blessing...can't wait to see her and Miss Kasidi at home with the rest of the Krew!
I love her name! Rejoicing with you. :)
i love, love, love chinese eyes!! congratulations on ONE LESS!!!!!!!
Congratulations!! I just started following along b/c I love big, beautiful families, but mostly I share your affinity for "K" names. Interestingly, out of our 8 children, only one has the same name as one of your children (Kyler, spelled different).
I look forward to following you to China & back to bring home your blessings!
What a beautiful little girl your Kennah Janae is! Congratulations!!!
Yaaaayyyy Connie!!! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!!
Awwww...she's adorable!! And yes those eyes..oh my. Can't wait to hear the details. You all amaze me. :) trina
I love her! Amazing watching this all unfold. Is she older or younger than Kasidi?
Just precious! Our little one just turned three, what a fun fun age! What province are the girls from? and how old is Kasidi? Thanks for sharing the journey!
Congratulations Connie, Clayton and the rest of your family!!! She is just precious!!! Can't wait to see both of your newest beauties in your arms forever!!! God Bless you guys!!!
Congratulations to you all!!! She is beautiful! Can't wait to read the story about her and your plans of travel to bring these cuties home to their Forever Family!
FINALLY! Kennah is so beautiful! Can't wait to hear her story!
Beside myself with excitement for you guys!!! This is amazing news!!!! Congratulations!
I am so incredibly happy for you!! What beautiful babies!!!
God is good....all the time. Can't wait to hug them. Love you all!
WoooHoooo!! Praise Jesus!! She is so cute and yes, those eyes say it all! Take me home Momma and Babba!
I can't wait to hear the story of how you were lead to bring home two!!
Awesomeness!!!I love watching God work! Praying for your sweet treasures! ...and for your gorgeous and always!
Love ya
Praise God! So happy for you and for this little girl who will know the love of a real family!! Happy, happy, happy!! What a blessing!! Wishing we could join you in China again, but that is not God's plan for us. Will be praying you and your family and your newest additions through these next few months!
Love & Prayers,
Dorothy C.
I knew it! But I was figuring it would be a boy...
I know you are busy, but you need to tell us the story sometime...
Bless you!
I love the name! So excited to hear more about her :)
Oh, she is so CUTE! And look at those eyes! I can't wait to hear the story and also hear an update on your timeline! BTW our "reason for increased costs" is having a birthday next month, too. (He will be 4, and it looks like we will be just missing his birthday.)
Congratulations!!!!!! She is adorable! Can't wait to read "the rest of the story."!
Hoping that Kinley is continuing on her road to complete recovery!
Connie, I honestly have no idea how you and Clayton do it!! I remember when you guys first brought Kayden home, and now look at your family!! God is good!! And I know He is the one building your family and giving you the grace and wisdom for such a large krew! :-)
Carrie T. - mom to (only) 4 from Korea :-)
Simply adorable!
Connie - Such a sweet little girl! I know you are excited!!! I wanted to let you know that I have a friend named Linda who is looking for someone who needs assistance raising funds for a good cause. I thought of you and wanted to get this information in your hands. I hope it can help you! If you are interested and contact her mention my name (Erica Hamilton) so she will know that you are a friend of a friend. :0)
1 have 10,000 to 14,000 books in my warehouse, that I have published over the past few years for the craft industry. Unfortunately I was just a small company and ran out of money to promote them well enough. The books have retailed for between 14.95 and 19.95. I would like to find someone that has a real need and help me do a fundraiser to sell them for $10. Out of that, I am willing to donate 50%. This could net someone between $50,000 and $70,000. I just need to get rid of them quickly and at the same time help someone or some group. I also have over a 1000 small canvas totes that retailed for $7.95 and I will donate 50% of those sales, too. If you have any ideas... I want to give, and be able to help myself recoup my costs. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...
Linda King is my website
BEAUTIFUL GIRL! Beautiful EYES! Beautiful NAME! Beautiful FAMILY!!
SO excited for your family and I look forward to hearing the whole story... I just KNOW it is going to be laced with God's fingerprints ALL OVER it!! He is FAITHFUL! He is GOOD!!! What a mighty God we serve! <><
PTL from whom all blessings flow!
How can anyone be anything but full of joy in knowing another little one is coming home! Congratulations!!!! Blessings, Jennifer
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