After an extremely scientific drawing method...
THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for investing in our precious Kasidi Joy by participating in our fundraiser. We knew God would have to show up big time...and He did!!!! Thank you for responding to His prompting. We stand in awe. After the cost of the camera we needed $1,500 to cover a fee for a very specific and special purpose, hopefully this week! Here's the breakdown ~
PayP*l contributions (35 entries) ~ $1,965.00
Other contributions (4 entries) ~ 350.00
Blog/FB posts (30 entries)
TOTAL $2,315.00
Less PP fees ~ - 51.15
Less camera cost ~ -700.00
TOTAL left for fee $1,563.85
That is the hand of God!!!! To HIM be the glory!
And thank you all!!
What!!! Oh my gosh, I think I'm gonna cry!!! Thank you thank you! Sooo exciting!
congrats to Polkadot Platypus and more congrats to the Johnson's!!!! GO God!!!
PTL! He never ceases to amaze me!! So happy for you all and STILL waiting to find out about this "specific and special purpose"!!!!
What an amazing God!!! Bless you and your family for giving Him room to work...for your good and His glory!
Praise God!! WoooHooo!! Love how he works!!
More YAYs!!! We serve an AWESOME GOD who PROVIDES!! :)
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