...must come down!
ADVICE NEEDED!!!! If you know a good way to remove wallpaper, please share with me! I don't want to texture this wall - I want a quick paint job and be done with it! So if you have any advice about painting without texture, I'll take that too. In case you couldn't tell, this stuff is NOT my forte! But my hubby is a man of many talents...ummmm, I'm sure there's lots of laundry to do, and bathrooms to clean, and dishes to wash, and meals to plan....
Around noonish:
7:30 p.m.:
Wallpaper is the enemy! Never, ever again will I use it...
We rented a steamer from Home Depot. It worked really good for us, but it is a wet and sticky mess. We had several rooms to do, so it was definitely worth it.
Connie, I can't believe you are taking this on at this time! :) I love you!! We are kindred hearts! :)
Ummm, yeah...I can't believe you are tackling such a job so close to Christmas. I admire your gusto.
I bought a thingy at Home Depot that scores the paper, then you spray a wallpaper removing solution all over it, then take a scraper tool thingy and scrape it off. It was easy but still very time consuming and I have made a vow to never, ever again be lured into thinking that putting up wallpaper is a good idea.
Good luck!!
Try spraying water and fabric softener (downey, the blue liquid?) on it and scraping it off. We've been thru this many times too, it is tough! But so worth it! Can't wait to see the finished project!
Also they sell texture in a can, you spray it on then paint! Used it before for a patch and it really does work! But haven't tried it on a whole room. Hope this helps...and I wish I could pop on over to lend a hand.
Enjoy your Christmas holidays!
I have never done it--but I do know it is a BIG job! I have heard a steamer is the easiest way. Hard work now--but you'll LOVE it when it's done.
We also used the fabric softener/water (I used hot water) in a spray bottle. Spray in small sections, let it saturate for a few minutes, and scrape away! Ours had been there since the 70's, but it all came off (with alot of elbow grease). I must say, you are a crazy woman!!! :o) Wish I lived closer, I'd come and scrape away!!!
call in for the professionals :0)
We rented a steamer and also use vinger and hot water in a sprayer...now you need a sander and primer....we used the kind for kitchens and baths...GOOD LUCK, home repairs suck!
Hey Connie!
Use white vinegar, soak a sponge (rag or whatever you have)and saturate wall paper. Try getting some of the outside paper started first. Works great! Just make sure you soak it good~:)
I love to peel it off then. I wish I was close,too!:)I'd help!
Happy Peeling!
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