...is waiting for me every morning!
And every morning I get to pick it up. This is the third year I have challenged myself to read the Bible through, cover to cover. Praise the Lord, in 2009, despite two weeks of displacement following the flood, a week of youth camp and three weeks in China, I have read the Bible cover to cover! I praise God that I have the freedom to read the Bible anywhere, anytime I choose. That's the deal, choosing to do so. It is my source of Truth, strength, discernment, encouragement, conviction...And in my final reading today was a passage that the Lord gave me just three months ago as we were awaiting travel and in desperate need of God's provision:
'Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,' says the Lord Almighty, 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." Malachi 3:10
I know how much you wanted to do this..... Im so proud of you! What an accomplishment, but more like a blessing to have read the Bible all the way through! You are correct, we are blessed as a country to be able to pick up our Bible and read it any time and any where. Thank you for being such an awesome example to us all!
What an amazing achievement,Congratulations! You are so right about it being a choice to read the bible... we have to make the time.We are truly blessed to have the Freedom to do so! You have inspired me...I read the bible in one year when Nolan was little... I think I will challenge myself again in 2010.
Love ya
Kim and the chili peppers
woohoooo---that is a HUGE achievement! So rewarding, hey?
I LOVE that scripture--we have been meditating on it A LOT recently. Why do many believe that tithing is 'old testament'? Yikes. Don't even get me started :)
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