It's been a typical busy week. Not many pictures (or at least many good pictures). Kenzie got her nails done ...
and her ears pierced (or re-pierced since letting the piercings grow closed)
We watched lots of baseball and softball. Batter up!
Way to watch that bad pitch. He'll take first!
Lots of kitchen help making chocolate chip cookies!
I looked out the kitchen window and saw this precious sight, Kolton swinging Kambry.
The same area before the boys moved all the 'farm stuff.' We are reclaiming the back yard and making it completely kid friendly ;-)
We got together with our local friends who have beautiful multi-cultural families like ours and enjoyed the splash pad at the park.
Who's the boss?!?
The princess and the tomboy - I love them!
A whole bottle of bubbles ... all for me? This week is much the same: baseball, softball, final preps for Falls Creek, trip to the zoo to meet up with some very special families, littles to SIL's so Kolton and I can go to Falls Creek, just weeks away from first sweet corn picking :) :) :)
Sounds like lots of the same here! I am totally loving the painted piggies! Can't wait to see you guys!
Corn time....all you gotta do is holler! :)
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