Introducing ... our adoption ministry logo! This idea was conceived in the hearts of five women and designed by one of Kuyler's friends. We love it! You can now check out our website for upcoming events and learn about booking us for speaking engagements. May God be glorified! Click here
Also, I've been invited to share at the kickoff of a new women's study ministry called "When Women Say 'Yes' to God." I am spending lots of time in prayer over this. I'm also studying how God used women in the Bible like Rebekah, Deborah, Esther, Mary, Sarah ... Certainly I wouldn't compare myself to them, but I am reminded that God calls out ordinary people to do extraordinary things, and we shouldn't be afraid to say 'yes' when He is proven faithful and trustworthy. God doesn't call us to be like everyone else. He has amazing plans and purpose for each of us, and we miss the blessing when we succumb to our own fears rather than leaning on His strength.
And finally, here is a link to the blog of the family I will have the privilege of traveling with to receive their son. They have started a beautiful fundraiser. You must check this out! Absolutely beautiful calligraphy! Like I said, lots of coolness!
I am so happy for you and so proud that you are stepping out on faith and sharing what God has led you to share!!! May God richly bless you!!!
Sounds awesome!! Love those watermelons too!
Hey Girl,
You are so correct, lots of coolness. One question, when do you speak at the engagement? You know why I am asking...... By the way the logo looks so cool. The designer did a fantastic job for us. We love it LH! We are truly blessed as an organization, I pray we honor and glorify you Lord, in all we do.
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