3 days till corn is done!
Kenzie and Kaylee taking a break to chase chickens out of the field
Last week my good friend and her two daughters came for a visit. Kayden and C crammed a whole lot of playing and conversation into an hour!
There was dress-up and school ... and no time for the camera.
Totally random, but look at these beautiful peaches. They went into the freezer!
And speaking of school, three of these babes started last week. So, I have 1 in college, 1 in jr. high, 2 in elementary and 2 in my hair - LOL! Seriously, why must they grow up so fast?!?
K is for Kayden in Kindergarten!
2 days till we meet up with Kayden's Guigang 'sister' Jia and her family! 1 day till Kuyler moves into his apartment at OU!
For the first time in the nearly four years since we all met in China, we will have our first reunion with our traveling companions. The girls haven't seen each other since they were 15 and 20 months old. To say we are looking forward to our visit is an understatement.
And Kuyler is allowing me to help him move in, organize his apartment and bring him home to finish out the work week since he doesn't start classes till next week, on his 20th birthday! You can be sure I'll take pictures! For now, here is a look back to September 2004 ...
Our travel group, the Smiths, Currys and Johnsons with our guide, Alice, in Nanning

Daddy and his sweet 14 month old Kayden Faith. We spent 3 weeks in China due to the Moon Festival, and she turned 15 months before we came home. She was a Daddy's Girl.
Rowland and Jia. She was also a Daddy's Girl.
Brenda and Jasmin, who loved her mama from the get-go. Brenda's husband couldn't travel due to his overseas work.