Wednesday, March 4, 2015

It's Almost GO Time!

When you're having coffee Friday morning, we'll be going to bed in China!!!
 At crunch-thirty I managed to get us packed

We have the VPNs downloaded, the computer and Kindle packed, and the weather looks decent for our early morning departure.  However, the weather is an issue NOW.

It's sleeting, and we have a 2-hour drive to the airport.  Also, our friends, the Smith family, who are moving into our house, have a 5-hour drive, and there is sleet and snow between here and there.  So here's our prayer list:
~clear roads
~no flight delays
~all our Treasures at home
~the Smith family and others loving on our Treasures
~Kohlby is prepared for mega-lovin'
~our girls' safety and health 
~Clayton's continued strength

Stay tuned.  The journey is just beginning!!!!



Hope Rising Farm said...

At our house, we are sitting on the edge of our seat watching what will be our own adventure in a few short months! We are praying for all of these things listed! God bless!

Laurel said...

love & hugs & prayers to you, my friend

Boy oh Boy oh Boy! said...

Praying for you and your family!! I'm so excited for you to have that sweet boy in your arms!!

Amy P.

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