Seems like just yesterday I held my babies for the first time...
until I look at pictures like these.
**Gotcha Day x 2 in the Civil Affairs Office in Nanjing.**
Kennah has gained 4 ounces (yeah!!!!) and tells big stories in some kinda toddlereze jibberish. She's a social butterfly!
Kasidi is pulling herself up and standing with assistance. We are still attached at the hip, but I'm certain she'll leave my side by Kindergarten!
To say the least, life is crazy and about to get even crazier!
In fact, I think I've lost my everlovin' mind!
My self-employed paid time off is running out - bahahahaha. The boss says I need to return to work, effective immediately. That would be today. The kiddos will stay home with Kenzie while I'm in depositions, and then I'll have the glamorous task of completing the transcripts from the luxury of my home office - bahahahaha again.
We've been trying to organize closets and toys and throw away stuff. No matter how ya' slice it, a small house is a small house!
Extreme Makeover Home Edition, where are you?!?
And then I get slapped in the face with just how blessed we are!
At Falls Creek I was reminded of this ~
A lot can happen in a year (or less!) Last year at Falls Creek we were only seeking the Lord, asking that He'd reveal His plans to us. When He showed us a precious baby girl, abandoned in a toilet at birth, diagnosed with spina bifida and given a name which means 'bringing back to life,' we couldn't ignore His plan of adoption in August. Armed with zero dollars, a ton of determination and enough faith to get through each day, we pulled our bootstraps up and started fundraising like no other, stepping completely out of our comfort zone. When we said 'yes' to adopting two at the same time again in January, things really started moving. We traveled three months after our second referral, wrapping up the whole process in 9 months. I'm still amazed by God's plans!
My devo passage this morning was the familiar verse, Luke 1:37 ~ For nothing is impossible with God.
See that? Nothing! No thing!
What seems impossible for you today? Join hands with the Lord and watch Him do the impossible!
ohhhh how I love to see your children bloom! Just beautiful what God's love can do! Thank you for sharing your faith and how God has worked in your lives! Love y'all!
The girls look AMAZING!!!!!
And yes, I agree....NOTHING is impossible!
You all are such an inspriation!!! and your children are incrediable! I would just love to hold your baby girl and squeeze those cheeks!
hugs and more hugs!
wow. they really are floursihing!
I know God does the imporrible and He truly amazes constantly - you guys deserve alot of respect for what you do. you amaze me - how you can do so much and do it so well. You are truly an inspiration and your family are beautiful as a result of what you do and who you are
(Hi, I think this is my 1st post, I have been following for awhile x)
It is hard to believe how fast time
is going by. Seems like our sweet
Chloe has always been with us!
Well maybe with one exception
when she starts talking away in
Chinese. :)
The girls look wonderful and So
happy! Love watching them blossoming
from all the love! That picture of Kennah
is precious! Love how she has become a
social butterfly!
Jaden was my velcro baby
always stuck to my side! I loved it!
She still sticks pretty close and she
is in first grade. ;)
Yes, Nothing is impossible with God!
He is constantly amazing me!
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