Because we have much better things for that corner!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Is It Time for School Yet???
Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas in Pix... and CHANGE!
On Christmas Eve we baked our traditional sugar cookies.
Dad clowned around, as usual :)
We hosted my brothers' families and Grandma. What a blast!
Hello Kitty with a twist.
Words not necessary ;-)
Then Christmas morning...
the kids slept in and literally had to be woke up so we could make our next destination.
Some of them would've preferred to stay in bed...

What could it be?
Then we got a herd of kids ready and drove to Norman to celebrate CHRISTmas with my aunts and cousins.
And this is how the story ended...
What's the CHANGE I've referred to?
Ya'll have made me giggle with your speculation. And to be honest, adoption is always on our hearts. We have no idea what the Lord has in store for our family, but our prayer is that we would always respond with "YES"!
But we have other plans for the immediate future. On January 9th I will return to college! I'm stoked...and maybe a little nervous.
I'm enrolled in 13 hours this semester toward a degree in social work.
The recruitment office worked tirelessly to get a plan put together over the past few weeks so I could start in January.
For several months I've been asking the Lord to reveal a new 'career' to me. I've been a freelance court reporter for 22 years, and I've enjoyed it. But I feel it's time to move on. I will continue to work as much as possible with my school schedule, and I'm not sure when I'll actually attain my degree, but I plan to take classes full time until I'm finished, Lord willing.
I could probably use your prayers :) No, I could really use your prayers! I don't want to neglect my duties as a wife and mama.
So that's it, that's the change. I'm looking forward to big things from my big GOD!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas!!!
Thank you, Jesus for blessing us with our newest Treasures!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Going to China!
This afternoon Mandi will board a plane for China, and she will meet Kalia on Christmas day!
We have watched God miraculously provide all this family needs, seemingly at the last minute.
It's been a test of faith, and I'm so glad the Yager family accepted the challenge and moved forward.
Thank you to everyone who gave!
The dollars contributed to the Chip-In on this blog have been forwarded to the family.
Thank you to my amazing friends at Oklahoma Hearts for Adoption!
This Christmas there will be One Less orphan ~ and that pleases God!!!!
You can follow their journey here.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Immediate Help for Yager Family!!!

The Yagers have all the approvals required to fly to China this Friday, December 23rd! However, they must book flights today and are still short $5,500. They have worked hard for the past 16 months and have prayed even harder. Without the additional $5,500 they can't leave this Friday, meaning they WILL NOT meet Kalia on Christmas Day and travel will be delayed until the funds are in hand.
We know the Lord's timing is perfect and His provision is boundless!
Maybe He wants to give us an opportunity to search our hearts and choose to respond to this need.
Will you please prayerfully consider helping Matt and Mandi bring Kalia home for Christmas?
You can check out their blog at
God bless you!!!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Help Needed!
You responded!
They now have TA...and CA...and leave next Friday! That's right, two days before Christmas!
But they are still thousands of dollars short and will not be able to travel without the funds to do so.
I know what that feels like. But I also know that nothing is too big for God! At what seemed to us the very last minute, but was in His perfect time, He provided all we needed, and I trust He will do the same for Mandi.
She is still holding the i-Pad fundraiser till tomorrow. Even though she chip-in says the goal is reached, there are still funds needed.
Will you please pray for this precious family and ask the Lord what He would have you do to help them get Kalia home?
The fundraiser ends tomorrow!
Please go check it out!
Three and Counting!
She's as ornery as ever :)
Friday, December 16, 2011
They Wait
Two precious baby boys who need a family.
Lifeline only has their files till Tuesday!
A family must be logged in and must be prepared to use Lifeline.
For more details, please go to
Or call Lifeline - 2059670811
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Party Central
My birthday is so special that the youth group came out to celebrate it - bahahahahaha! Actually, we just happened to plan the youth Christmas party for Wednesday the 14th. But what a fun bunch to celebrate with.
As for my gifts ~ Kasidi's good news; the most beautiful message a mama could receive (from Kuyler); sweet birthday wishes from my man, my mom and my 10 treasures; the 'official' news that Kuyler is graduating from OU next May ...and there's something brewing among the big kids and their dad. I've begged, threatened and even demanded they tell me, but their lips are sealed. Hmmm, maybe I could get Kooper to tell me...
But anyway, about the party. April and I slaved away all day ...
We tried a new way of exchanging gifts by passing the gifts to the left and right, according to the story.