Saturday, March 28, 2009

There Will Be Days

I have lots more pictures to post but blogger is being contrary today! But what am I complaining about- we have power in near blizzard conditions!

This was Friday morning around 6 a.m.

Friday afternoon

Saturday morning.

Look at the snow!

We haven't lost electricity or phones, PTL! While the kids were playing this morning I slipped away for a quick shower, praising the Lord for hot water. However, when I checked back in, I found that in 10 minutes' time Kambry had wet her pants and removed them, and Kaeleb had pooped his diaper AND stuck both hands in it, a fact I was unaware of until while changing him I saw suspicious streaks on his shirt, then noticed his hands - ewwww gross! Yes, there will be days! But look at the beautiful snow!


trina said...

I love snow...sounds so wonderful. The poopy hands...yuck...been there my friend..yep, I've been there. :)

holly m. said...

Oh, Connie! With Mr. Poopy pants, so much for your shower!! Good thing he's such a dolly!!:)
Praising God that your all safe!

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