Thursday, October 30, 2008
On our way home!
Thank you for your prayers for Abraham, Tami, our families and myself while we've been in China. Today is the day we've been waiting for, and it looks something like this: leave the hotel at 5:45 a.m., fly one hour to Hong Kong at 8:45; lay over two hours; fly fourteen hours to Chicago (make a mad dash through immigration, baggage claim and customs with a three hour layover); fly two hours to Wichita and reunite with our waiting families. Please pray for a precious busy little boy, for nearby passengers with much grace and for endurance for Tami and myself. May God bless your day! Kayden, we're on the pinky!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Lily, Tami and Abe at lunch. Lily was instrumental in bringing Kaeleb home to us, and will also be in our current journey!
Only real men wear pink! He's sacked out.
Adorable duo! Makes me miss my little man!
The shopping center
And, finally, Clayton and April, this dumpling is for you!
Today was very laid back. We waited for the call from Rebecca to say all went well at the consulate, then we enjoyed lunch with the group again. So of the four Lifeline/Small World families present, we have a total of 28 children, 18 of which are adopted! What a blessing! In the afternoon we went to the shopping center for an hour and came back to walk the island. Today we'll go to the consulate at 2:45 for the oath ceremony and then pack ... and repack. This precious boy is very smart. His mama has her work cut out for her :) Clayton, Kuyler, Kolton, Kenzie, Kayden, Kambry and Kaeleb: I love and miss you (but Kayden, when you get to the pinky, Mommy will be home).
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Hello, Guangzhou!
We made it! Supper at Lucy's and Rebecca enjoying her surprise gift (April, she loves it!)
From the airport to the medical exam! So I lost the weight wager. I guessed Abe weighed 23 and Tami said 25. He's well over 24!
Dinner and a flight. Garden veggies is undoubtedly better than the meal we opted out of :)
Where's Mama? He loved trying to see through the slot in the door.
It's been a long day! We were all awake by 3 a.m., had breakfast and left the hotel at 7:30. Our flight departed at 10:15, right on time, and landed at 1:15. We went straight to the medical exam, then checked in, did paperwork and met two other families at Lucy's for supper. We are SO GLAD to be here! Personally, I love the 90 degree weather. I was surprised and blessed to meet another Lifeline/Small World family whose blog I have followed in the past. What a small world. Rebecca even joined us for supper, and tomorrow we get to meet Lily for lunch! We are only here for two and a half days, but it really feels like home. Tomorrow we'll wait in the room during the consulate appointment, then have a group lunch and then go to the shopping center. I think Abraham had a breakthrough day! I have been so blessed to watch him bond with his mama. He's ALL toddler boy! He tests the boundaries and tries her patience, but they are learning to dance together beautifully.
However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Cor 2:9
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sweet boy in Mama's arms.
Abe's first taste of ice cream.
Isn't he cute?!?
I have lots of time to read.
Today we stayed in the room till 2 when we took a taxi to the police station to get Abe's passport. About a half a mile from our destination our taxi driver got called on an emergency and had to drop us off ... so we walked to the police station. It was an unexpected hike but a beautiful day. We leave our hotel at 7:30 tomorrow morning to head for the airport and fly to GZ. Hopefully we'll be settled into the White Swan before 3 p.m. Please pay for a smooth flight for a little boy.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday and before
I forgot to mention that we went to the acrobat show. What we saw was pretty amazing.
There was a well-intentioned lady behind us who kept shoving hand fulls of popcorn at Abraham. So to please all, his mama broke the popcorn in tiny pieces and gave it to him. Not sure Tami saw much of the show.
We have been praying that sweet Rebecca would be our facilitator in GZ, and it turns out she will be! In anticipation of that, April made a scrapbook for her from our trip in March. I think she's going to love it!

As I mentioned, Sunday was low key in the room. We walked the halls a little bit.
Anything works as a high chair.
Abraham signing 'more.' he's a quick study!
The cutest thing. His mama had grabbed his chin once to get him to look at her while eating. So the next bite he grabbed his own chin .... maybe thinking he'd get the next bite a little quicker! Did I mention he loves food! And do you see that dimple!
Today (Monday) we will stay in the room until 2 when we go to get Abe's passport. Tomorrow morning we leave for GZ! I think we're both ready for the homeyness of the White Swan and the island. I have yet to see my babies on video so maybe when they get home from Bible study tonight they will call me (hint, hint).
Praise reports: Abraham sleeps all night; he is eating very well; he loves to snuggle with his mama; he allows his mama to give him the bottle; he has an awesome personality; he is very apparently turning to his mama for comfort; we are able to go to bed early and sleep fairly well till 5 a.m.; internet connection is good; sun is shining; Gail arrived home safe and sound!
Prayer requests: Abraham would take restful naps; our sinus/allergy symptoms would go away; Abraham would allow his mama to hold him still on the flight to GZ; we would be sensitive and open to opportunities.
Blessings to you all!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Randomness from a random mind :)
Just a few pictures to share. Sorry if they are duplicates. At the Wall.
Beautiful changing foliage at the Wall.
At the foster home.
Abraham making himself at home and enjoying playing with the kids at the home.
Micah in 'fight' stance, teaching Gail his moves.
My sweet Kayden at the airport.
My precious Kambry at the airport.
My ornery Kaeleb at the airport.
Today will be low key. We were planning to attend church but have decided that Mr. Abraham needs a mellow day so we'll stay in the room. We're waiting for a call from his ba-ba and then we'll go to breakfast. I have yet to speak to my little ones, but from all accounts it sounds like they are doing well. Gail should now be in Chicago waiting for her final flight home. We look forward to seeing Abe blossom even more today. He is so stinkin' cute ... and a little ornery too. When you say, "mama", he says, "ba-ba." He's a good imitator, and is learning baby signs. What a blessing to watch he and his mama get to know each other. To my family, I love you!
Foster Home and Great Wall
I'm not doing such a great job of blogging, huh! Yesterday (Friday) we visited a foster home which blessed us more than I can say. All the children in this home have OI (brittle bone disease) and are in wheelchairs.
This is Lydia, who is being adopted by the owners of the foster home! She is the boss!
Gail showing Stephen a picture of himself. He is a charmer. He climbed on my lap and kissed my cheek - ahhhhh!
Strolling from the home to the bakery on a beautiful day. The owners have a bakery to teach the kids life skills. They do all the baking and sell their goods in town.

I won't give the name of the foster home right now because it is run by believers, and they teach the Truth. The students all know about the Father and Son. This home is funded solely by contributions. There were several pictures of Steven Curtis Chapman singing with the children. We were so blessed to learn the things that are happening here. I hope this isn't the last time I visit this home! (Honey, this is so doable:)!
We had the best noodles for supper. Maggie found a noodle restaurant within walking distance of our hotel. Tami thought we should take a picture of our dish so we could order again by ourselves because there are no pictures on the menu.
Today (Saturday) we visited the jade factory and the Great Wall. It was a windy but clear day, and it was beautiful. The leaves are just beginning to turn, and the trees are beautiful. It was very crowded today.
Three women and a baby!
Abe took a little cat nap during the hike.

Gail left for the airport about an hour ago, and she's not feeling the best. We're praying for smooth flights and connections. I'm so glad we three had two days together. It's been a blast! This is a new experience for me, and I'm trying to find my groove as the helper instead of the mommy. Gail has done a fantastic job, and I have big shoes to fill. My prayer is that I'd be sensitive to Tami's needs and be an encouragement. This point in the journey brings homesickness, and Tami is there. Abe is becoming more content and comfortable, but he doesn't seem to like being confined in the vehicle which is causing concern about our upcoming flight home. But we have six days to pray about that, so will you join us. It's a helpless feeling to watch as he becomes upset and his mama tries to console him to no avail. They are learning to dance, and each day brings a new rhythm.
This is Lydia, who is being adopted by the owners of the foster home! She is the boss!
The children sang two songs for us, and it was such a blessing.
This young lady led the music.
We had the best noodles for supper. Maggie found a noodle restaurant within walking distance of our hotel. Tami thought we should take a picture of our dish so we could order again by ourselves because there are no pictures on the menu.
To my precious family, I love you and miss you!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
About Travel day
So, I didn't post on here that Tuesday morning I woke up with a major sinus infection -yuck! I didn't intend to spend my last day home in the doctor's office, but rather spending it in the rocking chair with all my kids around me. But thank you to those prayer warriors that I felt better by takeoff!
Mom and 5 of my sweeties at the airport.
I miss them already!

I miss my strong man! Thank you, Honey, for being the Mom and the Dad for 10 days!
So ... if the nose on our plane just happens to break, we have a new one :)

Up close ..
Plane that flew me 14 hours from Chicago to Beijing!
I'm so thrilled to be in China! It's been a whirlwind so far. The flights were good, but I sat next to the window beside a man who was on my armrest and in my seat the entire trip! He put his mask over his eyes and slept the entire trip. So between the claustrophobia and the pain pill I took for my sinus pain, you guessed it ... I needed the sick bag! I was so glad to land in Beijing, and I had no problem getting through immigration, baggage claim and customs. Once at the hotel, I was pretty loopy and couldn't carry on a phone conversation with sweet Rebecca from GZ when she called. I slept several hours in my brick bed :) But Mr. Abraham woke up very early this morning so his mommy didn't have much time to herself. Please pray that he would sleep better. I can't wait to post about our day today. We're visiting a foster home! I can't wait! We're headed to breakfast now. To my sweet family, I love you and miss you like crazy. Take care of Daddy for me!
Mom and 5 of my sweeties at the airport.
Up close ..
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