Motorola Xoom Wi-Fi
The first tablet with Android 3.0 Honeycomb
Play music, movies and games
Access Google mobile services: Maps, eBooks and others

We are nearing the end of our race for Kasidi and Kennah super fast. Back in August when we started the race for Kasidi Joy, I couldn't wait to be this close...and now here we are, with the added blessing of Kennah Janae!
We committed the entire journey to the Lord, knowing He'd have to provide every dollar we needed, and as always, He's been faithful in doing just that!
We've held all sorts of fundraisers, had lots of people jump on board to help, and spent hours applying for adoption assistance grants. And every time a fee was due, the money was there!
In a few short weeks, the largest fees will come due ~ airfare, orphanage donation and provincial fees x 2, and lodging. I have no doubt the Lord will provide.
Will you pray with us and praise Him for what He will do?!?
And if you're interested in a shot at the Xoom, it's as easy as this~
~There is a ChipIn button on our sidebar
~1 opportunity for $25
~3 opportunities for $50
~1 additional opportunity for each post on FB or blog.
(Please comment of email me if you do this.)
~3 opportunities if you post our ChipIn and story on your blog sidebar.
The fundraiser will last just over 2 weeks, ending Monday, May 2.
Thank you to those who have so generously given already! You have blessed us beyond our imagination.
We want to finish the race strong, all for His glory!
Here's the ChipIn code if you want to copy and paste for sharing~
Hey mom. I posted this link on Facebook. Can I have one opportunity please?
I just posted on my face book and Im heading to chip in now. Thanks my friend! Kathy
That is AWESOME! I love how God whispers to the hearts of others like that! Woot-woot! Wait....can you woot-woot God?....hmmmm, yes, yes I think you can! PRAISE to Him!!!
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