Seven years ago *I think it was*, a man on horseback rode up to our front door and scared the livin' daylights outa me.
Turns out, he's one of the most interesting people we've ever met.
He lives about 45 miles south of us and had taken vacation time to travel north to Dodge City on horseback. It was his dream. That was seven years ago.
He camps out at a different home each night he travels. We are so glad he stopped at our place 7 years ago...and nearly every year since then. Each time he stops, our family has gotten bigger, and he wants to know all about the kids. He won't come inside, and he is completely self-sufficient. But he will sit outside and talk for hours before sleeping in the corral with his trusty travel mates.
We've been wondering where he's been the last 3 years. Turns out he traveled all the way to Washington, graduated from a horse school and traveled back home.
This time he's sold his home, and he's heading north with his dog, his donkey and two horses. He's not sure he'll be back in these parts.
It just seemed like a final farewell as he left this least this side of heaven.
That is just SO COOL! Seriously, what a life...can you even imagine? Simple frills...lots of time to focus on what's most important.
What a fascinating man!
That is so neat! It reminded me of the one sunday a guy came to our church that was bicyling across country. We invited him over for lunch and he ended up spending that whole evening and next day with us. Very intersting guy that I will never ever forget. We still talk about him!
That's amazing! Wish I had a cowboy in my barn. Oh wait . . . my 'cowboy' is on his computer! Ha Ha!
I'm pretty sure this is the same guy we met at your moms a couple of years ago. I will have to dig through some pics to see but I think it is. We thought it was really neat and Noah loved it!
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