I’m typing through tears as I reflect on God’s goodness. I can’t even fathom it. I certainly don’t deserve it.
Many times in our walk with Christ we speak of His goodness, His love, His mercy and grace, His provision, but do we really stop and meditate on it? It’s incomprehensible really.
We’ve seen His character shine time and again since we came to know the Lord at an older age (40 for my husband and 36 for me), and certainly our adoption journeys are no exception.
We’ve received His invitation to walk the narrow path several times. I call it ‘that awful place where you know what you ought to do, but you don’t know how you can do it …or if you even want to.’ Yes, it’s the awful place. There is a stirring, an unsettling. And so much seeking ~ “Is this really You, Lord? Or is this just me?”
And then there is the peace that comes with complete surrender. Surrender isn’t having all the answers or seeing it laid out in black and white. Surrender is stepping out, without necessarily knowing ‘how,’ ‘why,’ ‘when’ or even what the finish line looks like. And the peace of taking that step is indescribable.
That’s hard to explain in today’s instant world. We have so much at our fingertips, literally, with our iPod, iPad, and iPhone. But the result of faith isn’t revealed instantly. On one hand we can pull up tons of data from a postcard size gadget, and on the other we don’t know what tomorrow looks like when we accept the Lord’s invitation to journey with Him.
As we close in on our current journey to bring our two Treasures home, I am in complete awe of how He has lavished His love on our family. Through family. Through friends. Through strangers. In our times of doubt and fear, we have not escaped His sight. He has worked miracles ‘behind the scenes,’ that once revealed to us have left us falling to our knees. And He’s not finished yet!
Please be encouraged today that we serve a God who really is sovereign! Even though He created the Universe, He loves each of us and cares about the smallest details of our lives. No matter how rocky the path looks, He has promised to never leave nor forsake us!
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Heb 12:2-3
We received word today we have been
Awarded a $3,000 grant!
The organization wishes to
Remain anonymous,
But we hope they know
How they have blessed us!
Our 2K Race
Prayer for specific direction in serving the orphan ~ Summer 2010
Picture of irresistible child landed in my in box ~ July 2010
Asked hubby to pray about adoption ~ July 2010
Revived hubby J
Requested update on irresistible child ~ July 2010
Frightened by medical need of irresistible child, sought medical opinion ~ July 2010
Inconclusive medical diagnosis and prognosis but faith to move forward, waiting for “yes” from hubby ~ July 2010
Hubby surrenders completely again ~ August 2010
LOI for irresistible child ~ August 18, 2010
Began fundraising entire adoption costs ~ August 18, 2010
PA ~ August 23, 2010
Homestudy Completed (approved for 2, just in case)~ October 11, 2010
I-800A submitted ~ October 11, 2010
Fingerprinted ~ November 9 and 10, 2010
I-800A approval ~ November 19, 2010
Praying about adding a 2nd child ~ November 30, 2010
DTC ~ December 13, 2010
Surrender to adding a 2nd child ~ December 13, 2010
Reconsider adding a 2nd child ~ December 16, 2010
Prayer, tearful conversation, more prayer ~ December 2010
Log-in-date ~ January 11, 2011
Surrender to adding a 2nd child ~ January 12, 2011
Referral of irresistible child from special focus list ~ February 10, 2011
LOI for 2nd irresistible child ~ February 10, 2011
LOA x 2 from CCAA ~ February 25, 2011
Submit 800 x 2 ~ March 2, 2011
800 Provisional Approval x 2 ~ March 25, 2011
Files sent to NVC ~ March 26, 2011
NVC cabled files to US Consulate in GZ ~ April 4, 2011
Lifeline submitted visa paperwork to US Consulate in GZ ~ April 7, 2011
Article 5 to be picked up from US Consulate in GZ ~ April 21, 2011
TA ~
CA ~
Travel ~