I mean, seriously, when are we all sitting perfectly still, looking the same direction and smiling?!?
We've got 1 kid ready to flee the scene; 1 who looks like he's on something; 1 forcing himself not to blink; 1 getting situated; a few saying to themselves 'enough already - let's do this thing'; a dad taking care of things and a mom trying to line everybody out. My point?
We've been invited to share our testimony with another church this Sunday. Yes, they've asked the people depicted above to step into their service and share the difference Jesus has made in our lives. Their church will never be the same ;-)
Our prayer is that God would speak through our faulty offering. I'm sharing how Jesus has changed my heart and changed our family through adoption.
In December I celebrated my 46th 40-something birthday, but what I really celebrated was my 9 1/2 birthday since knowing Christ!
When Clayton and I accepted Christ later in life we both surrendered everything to Him. Sometimes it's hard to follow through on that and we try to re-define everything, because it seems so hard, so abnormal, so c.r.a.z.y., so isolating and lonely, so out there.
Call me crazy, but I believe that Christianity is not about maintaining the status quo, but rather implementing kingdom change by imitating Christ, no matter what.
Every time we step out in faith, despite the critics, the Lord affirms His plans. So, Clayton will share about the indescribable peace that follows surrender.
Will you please pray that God would be glorified (and the kids would behave)!
I read your post on We Are Grafted In. Your family's story is worth sharing. God's work in and through you is worth sharing to any and every ear that will listen! Thank you for being obedient and setting a wonderful example.
I accepted Christ when I was six. That was 30 years ago. What you have done {lived out} in your 9 1/2 years of knowing Him humbles me and makes me want to keep working harder to glorify God. It is "so hard, so abnormal, so c.r.a.z.y., so isolating and lonely, so out there"! I kept finding myself struggling with constantly wishing we had our "old" normal back, but then that's not surrender, right?! I'll be praying for ya'll as always and especially for this Sunday. Love ya girl!
Sending prayers to your family! What a wonderful story you have to share :-) I just purchased a Wild Olive tee using your code - good luck with the rest of your funding!
Praying that the Lord may shine through your testimony. You may be an "Outcast" (my kids now loooovvveeee that song since hearing your daughter sing it!) but for all the right reasons. You are not alone you just aren't status quo any more. Many blessings to your family!
Yeah, I would say, you have been busy for the Lord in those 9-1/2 yrs.
I know what you mean about giving your story in a church. The local Chinese church asked us to explain to the congregation what lead us to adopt esp. the last adoption (10 y.o)
Pastor said the older folks just don't really see that it makes any sense. Talk about a sticky situation.(local Mennonite couple tells Chinese church why they should be adopting too...or what do you say) We didn't give our answer yet.
Anyway will pray for you on Sun.
I love the photo and I know that God will be glorified! :)
Let His light shine! :)
Love and blessings,
YAY!! Another church gets to hear the Lord at work in your lives, Connie!! So cool and ALL GOD!! You just keep challenging the people sitting in those pews my friend!! Can't wait to hear what HE does on Sunday!! :) HUGS!!
May He be glorified, friend. I just know that He will :)
Awesome! Simply awesome!
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