Lotsa behind-the-scenes work goin' on for this occasion. Seriously, if you've gotta wear goggles...you're grill's too hot!
The entire goofy Krew! A few friends, a ton of food... ...and cards loaded with loot! Yep, it was a good party! Little brother's reaction upon finding out it IS NOT his birthday! It was low key, but significant! This was Kooper's first 'friends' birthday party e.v.e.r.
wow the last words on this post sent shivers down my spine...EVER!!!! I bet he had a blast and I am so happy that he is here with us!! I am sorry I didn't see you over break it was crazy! Kaleb's face is priceless lol! Tell Kooper happy birthday for me!
Happy Birthday Kooper! :) We love you
A big HB to Kooper! Hope it all went well for the whole fam too. :) Thanks for sharing the pics.
Happy Birthday Kooper! Looks like a fun time was had by all.
Happy 15th Kooper!!! What a great day! The Anderson's love you too!
wow the last words on this post sent shivers down my spine...EVER!!!! I bet he had a blast and I am so happy that he is here with us!! I am sorry I didn't see you over break it was crazy! Kaleb's face is priceless lol! Tell Kooper happy birthday for me!
Happy Birthday Kooper!! What a special day for a special young man who has been blessed with such a wonderful family!!
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