chopped a few vegetables ...
We knew He wanted us to keep trusting Him and not to step out ahead of Him. He reminded us often:
... for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. Psa 50:10
We're not talking pocket change here, or even airfare. We were asking for ... well, what is possible only with God! Clayton and I talked about whether we really should tell you the amount we needed. After all, it's beyond humbling, almost to the point of embarrassing. Beloved, I say it again, we serve a mighty God!
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him," 1 Cor 2:9
It was a busy, fun, exhausting day. There were so many unfinished conversations as I tried to sit and chat and then noticed something needed to be done. We saw so many precious people walk through the serving line, and some were missing due to illness or distance. We have so many people to thank, and as I start thinking of names, I realize I am forgetting so many and I don't want to forget anyone. So you know who you are - we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for serving, praying, loving the Lord, giving your time and resources! Thank you, Brother Brian, for believing with us!
At the end of the day, "my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:19
No doubt about it, when God calls His people to a task, He does not expect us to be equipped; He expects us to let Him equip and supply, even when the need is $21,000! In our pastor's words, "I stopped counting at 21!" Praise Him! I have been up many times in the night just offering praise!
I wish we had a list of all the people who came. My friend Lori gets the prize for driving the furthest, 2.5 hours!!
We have an incredibly loving Father. He is so good.
WOOOO HOOOO!! That is sooo incredible!! ONLY GOD! And ALL glory to HIM alone!!!
Thank you so much for sharing the is inspiring for sure!!
God is Good ...ALL THE TIME!!
Praising Him for his provisions!!
Kim,Brad and the chili peppers
Positively AMAZING!! But we do serve an AMAZING GOD, don't we?!?
Celebrating His GOODNESS with you today!!!
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:19
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, - Ephesians 3:20
Thank you for allowing us to share in the praises. He is a mighty God!!
Oh Connie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Lord!!!!!!! He shows Himself to be so mighty in big and little things!
I am praising Him this morning, Connie! And I will continue to lift your family up to Him as you prepare to meet your new children!!!!!!!!!
I SO wish we could be together again at Lucy's! ;)
Yippeee Jesus!! He's owns the cattle on a thousand hills and I guess who sold a herd, huh? Yippee, Yippee, Yippee Jesus!
And sweet sister, there is NO DOUBT that it wouldn't have happened quite like that if you & C hadn't had that time of fasting and prayer when God spoke hugely to you...NO DOUBT!! And that also is another MBox post!!
No wonder though - cause He is the Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God!!
Rejoicing with you!!
Praising God with you!
Trying to say something wonderfully profound - but unable to type due to the tears of joy!
Praising Him with you!!! God is so Good!!!
We will be leaving soon!!!
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!! He is so very good and faithful!!!
Thank you for not giving up and for keeping your faith in Him. Go get your babies!!!!!!!!
Praising the Lord with you sister! He is an AMAZING AND GIVING GOD. I am still in awe struck over Him, because we serve a loving God, a giving God, a God who answeres prayers, a God that makes the impossible, possible, and a God who knows the plans for us, plans to prosper, plans of hope and a future! (Jeremiah 29:11). We thank you Lord for all you do! We love you Lord! We love you Clayton and Connie! :)
YAY YAY YAY!! Praising God with you this morning!!
TEARS!!!! & i DO NOT cry!
Ya know all you really have to do is BELIEVE that GOD will do what HE says HE will do.
This is a perfect example.
What a testimony.
What a gift.
I love ya'll-
Now go get those young'uns!
Truly, ALL things are possible with our God!!
Good is so good!
Wow! Blessings abound!
Confirmation of HIS love!
How AWESOME!! This truly is only something that God could do!! Amen!! Now go and bring your children HOME!!
The tears are coming!!! I am so excited for you guys and WOW how our God is so amazing!!!!! I am so glad that I am free to live for him and I am so glad he is so giving! Praise be to the Father and the blessing he has poured on your family!! He is the answer to all and I hurt when people can't see that, but this is pure evidence that he is at work all the time!!! Praise Him! Love ya all.
The comment by anonymous is from me I don't know what happened!
Praising Him with you. :)
That is our God - He gives more than what you need! YES!
A blessing for sure and how fun to have your family work together for it too! Also, a blessing!
Connie, I am still just in awe of all that God has done to bring both Kinley and Kooper home!
Oh my goodness---that is just incredible!!!! What an outpouring of LOVE from your community! Just amazing. Yes, your God will supply ALL your needs to bring your sweet children home :)
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