Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Things That Flush (or not)
Catching up
For the most part the corn harvest is going great! But when we had the major heat wave back in June it damaged about five rotations - they didn't pollinate. So what that means right now is we have 4 days of NOT getting up at 3 a.m. to sort corn :) :) :) Oh, how I despise the sound of that alarm! I have to say that even with the loss of some of the crop, it has yielded above our expectations!
This is NOT a good thing! Last Saturday our system tipped over, but with help of neighbors we were irrigating corn and melons by the next day! (There are some folks around here who really want that corn ;-)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Adopting the Waiting Child
This video answers the question, "Why adopt a special needs or waiting child." Please turn off the sound at the bottom of my blog before playing. Be blessed!
Church Will Never Be The Same Again
Yesterday was a day of Sunday School celebration - Promotion Day! Kenzie promoted into youth; Kayden moved into 1st grade; Kaeleb and Kambry moved out of the nursery - yikes! (I love the people who keep the nursery!)
I've been dreading this day for a while because I know how my toddlers sit still. Wequietly sat wrestled through the service. It was quite a workout. I tried to swap pews with the folks in the back but they wouldn't budge. I think they just wanted a giggle :) For now I will trade my notebook for coloring books and my highlighter for crayons. This too shall pass, and before I know it they will be promoting into youth - yikes!
I've been dreading this day for a while because I know how my toddlers sit still. We
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Yeah, God!
We stand in awe of our Mighty God! He has moved dissolved mountains today!!! To Him be the glory! Thank you for joining us.
Praise Him for His acts of power; praise Him for His surpassing greatness. Psa 150:2
Praise Him for His acts of power; praise Him for His surpassing greatness. Psa 150:2
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I know you've been waiting ...
At 4:30 today we got an answer. Not the answer we've been praying for. But we are certain that God has bigger plans and we are carrying on. We are in the midst of a storm, but He stills the waters! Please continue to pray and we will keep you updated.
In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me. Psa 86:7
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psa 100:4-5
He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. Psa 107:29
Sing to God, sing praise to his name, extol him who rides on the clouds - his name is the Lord - and rejoice before him. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. Psa 68:4-5
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psa 100:4-5
He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. Psa 107:29
Sing to God, sing praise to his name, extol him who rides on the clouds - his name is the Lord - and rejoice before him. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. Psa 68:4-5
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Still no news!
Keep on praying. We should have an answer tomorrow afternoon! God is moving, praise Him!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Keep Praying!
Thank you, Friends! We are so grateful for your encouragement and prayers. Your comments, emails, phone calls and text messages have meant so much to us! Thank you for the promises from God's Word!
In reflecting this morning, I realize that God has performed so many miracles in our lives over the last few months ... and if He stopped moving right now there would still be an amazing testimony of His goodness, faithfulness, sovereignty, strength and trustworthiness. But I have faith He isn't finished. We should have some kind of answer by Tuesday. I can tell you He has already moved, but I'll wait to have the final answer Tuesday. I also realized I needed perspective! See, I've been looking at this huge obstacle from a human standpoint, thinking how are these people going to fix this? Hold up! My God created Heaven and Earth, He made man and woman and breathed life into them, He created every living thing, He perfectly placed the solar system .... so why do I think He's not in control of this piddly little situation?!? He is bigger than any obstacle; He is the Answer to all our questions, fears, doubts ...
The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes the sons of men; his eyes examine them. Psa 11:4
In reflecting this morning, I realize that God has performed so many miracles in our lives over the last few months ... and if He stopped moving right now there would still be an amazing testimony of His goodness, faithfulness, sovereignty, strength and trustworthiness. But I have faith He isn't finished. We should have some kind of answer by Tuesday. I can tell you He has already moved, but I'll wait to have the final answer Tuesday. I also realized I needed perspective! See, I've been looking at this huge obstacle from a human standpoint, thinking how are these people going to fix this? Hold up! My God created Heaven and Earth, He made man and woman and breathed life into them, He created every living thing, He perfectly placed the solar system .... so why do I think He's not in control of this piddly little situation?!? He is bigger than any obstacle; He is the Answer to all our questions, fears, doubts ...
The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes the sons of men; his eyes examine them. Psa 11:4
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Don't give up!
We are overwhelmed by your offers to pray for us! Just to update, God is moving, but please continue. We are in a battle, and we need you to go to the Lord in agreement with us. May He be glorified!
In a bit of good news, we met our match for the Lifesong grant, praise the Lord! And thanks to you!!!!! We have many thank you cards to write, but we wanted to publicly say, THANK YOU!
In a bit of good news, we met our match for the Lifesong grant, praise the Lord! And thanks to you!!!!! We have many thank you cards to write, but we wanted to publicly say, THANK YOU!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Prayer Request!
Please intercede for us! Don't worry, we are healthy. If you lift us up, the Lord knows the need. We cherish your prayers on our behalf. The enemy is prowling, but he will not overcome!
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Cookies, Corn and Consistency
Now ....I've been offering up a certain prayer with confidence and persistence every day this week. The Lord knew exactly what I was asking for and when. No miscommunication, no halfhearted, wishy-washy request. And this petition is in line with His character, His will and His truth. So I didn't get the answer I wanted when I wanted it, but know what, my God is still sovereign! He is still working for my best interest and His glory. There's a lot I don't know, including His timing. But this I know: He is trustworthy! For this reason, even though I didn't get the answer I wanted, I have an indescribable peace, and for that I praise Him!
The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever. The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace. Psa 29:10-11
Saturday, July 11, 2009
It Ain't Just Any Ol' Corn :)
We're in business! We made a test cut today. The corn needs two more days and my green thumb husband will be ready to start the six-week harvest. To God be the glory for the harvest He is going to bring!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Not me... not yet

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Countdown to Corn!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Dally up
Tender Heart

Sometimes I'm just blown away. Thursday night was one of those times. A friend called 'just to see if we were home.' After all, they live 14 miles from us. Soon after, her two teenage daughters drove up. Turns out, her 13-year-old needed her big sister to drive her to our place to deliver a very special gift. She had sold some personal items in a garage sale and designated the proceeds to our adoption fund! We are so blessed by her giving. Sweet K, you are a reminder that no matter how large or small the gift, the Heart is the key. May the Lord bless you for your tender heart.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Who, Me?
...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chr 7:14
I am reminded so much lately of the Power we possess as the children of God. How easy it is to forget this Power in the midst of our nation's financial crunch, poor decisions of leadership, a nation of people more interested in what can be done for 'me' rather than what can I do for 'you.' I'm not pointing fingers. I often find myself crossing lines of selfishness. It's so easy to take the sophomoric attitude of 'everyone else is doing it.' But how that must grieve our Heavenly Father.
If we pray at all, our petitions may be selfish, halfhearted or laughable.
God have us this amazing gift in Christ Jesus (a gift of ultimate cost to Him but free to us), the gift of salvation, and with that gift comes the power of the Holy Spirit! Oh, if every child of God would tap into that Power!
That Power doesn't give us the ability to effect change outside the will of God, grant selfish 'wishes,' or vindication. But prayer does change things! We have seen mountains moved on behalf of others and ourselves .... because God's people were on their knees. But only when we realize that all things are possible for our Almighty God and limited things are possible without Him can we approach Him with the courage we forget we have (2 Tim 1:7).
For us to effect change, we must believe it can happen. I am constantly reminded that the standard by which I am judged is not the lifestyle, personality or actions of others, but the Truth of God. I must be reminded daily. And today the passage in 2 Chronicles serves as my reminder.
I am reminded that I am "God's people." He has called me by name. He knows me better than anyone. He even knows my needs before I do.
I am reminded that He wants me to humble myself. It does not serve His purpose for me to always have the last word, prove a point or just want to be 'right.' Oh, how I am learning that lesson.
I am reminded He wants me to pray. He wants to hear from me, and He wants me to hear from Him. He hears and answers my earnest prayers.
I am reminded He wants me to seek Him. Yes, He is everywhere, but isn't it amazing that He wants ME.TO.SEEK.HIM. He wants to relate to me, not in a broad, generic way, but personally! Mind boggling. It isn't going to happen if I am so focused on what "I" need to do rather than what He would have me do. I am blown away at the plans He has spoken into my life. I am undeserving of His goodness.
I am reminded He wants me to turn from my wicked ways. Now that's the kicker! My 'ways' wouldn't really be classified as 'wicked' ... would they? Let me think: Do my words, habits, actions, priorities glorify the Lord? Edify others? Line up with His Truth? Not talking about perfection here, but striving for likeness ~ Christ-likeness. It's a journey, a daily one.
I am reminded He will forgive my sin (wicked ways) and answer my earnest prayers.
Lord, thank you for granting me power and courage to approach your Throne room of grace. Please change my focus, my priorities to things that would glorify You. Please break my heart for the things which break Yours. Please forgive me for the things which grieve You and help me turn from them, all the while keeping my eyes on You. Please help me and all Your children realize the authority You have given us to effect change for Your kingdom. Please set my selfish desires aside and let me daily ask what You would have me do today. Speak to me, Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen
I am reminded so much lately of the Power we possess as the children of God. How easy it is to forget this Power in the midst of our nation's financial crunch, poor decisions of leadership, a nation of people more interested in what can be done for 'me' rather than what can I do for 'you.' I'm not pointing fingers. I often find myself crossing lines of selfishness. It's so easy to take the sophomoric attitude of 'everyone else is doing it.' But how that must grieve our Heavenly Father.
If we pray at all, our petitions may be selfish, halfhearted or laughable.
God have us this amazing gift in Christ Jesus (a gift of ultimate cost to Him but free to us), the gift of salvation, and with that gift comes the power of the Holy Spirit! Oh, if every child of God would tap into that Power!
That Power doesn't give us the ability to effect change outside the will of God, grant selfish 'wishes,' or vindication. But prayer does change things! We have seen mountains moved on behalf of others and ourselves .... because God's people were on their knees. But only when we realize that all things are possible for our Almighty God and limited things are possible without Him can we approach Him with the courage we forget we have (2 Tim 1:7).
For us to effect change, we must believe it can happen. I am constantly reminded that the standard by which I am judged is not the lifestyle, personality or actions of others, but the Truth of God. I must be reminded daily. And today the passage in 2 Chronicles serves as my reminder.
I am reminded that I am "God's people." He has called me by name. He knows me better than anyone. He even knows my needs before I do.
I am reminded that He wants me to humble myself. It does not serve His purpose for me to always have the last word, prove a point or just want to be 'right.' Oh, how I am learning that lesson.
I am reminded He wants me to pray. He wants to hear from me, and He wants me to hear from Him. He hears and answers my earnest prayers.
I am reminded He wants me to seek Him. Yes, He is everywhere, but isn't it amazing that He wants ME.TO.SEEK.HIM. He wants to relate to me, not in a broad, generic way, but personally! Mind boggling. It isn't going to happen if I am so focused on what "I" need to do rather than what He would have me do. I am blown away at the plans He has spoken into my life. I am undeserving of His goodness.
I am reminded He wants me to turn from my wicked ways. Now that's the kicker! My 'ways' wouldn't really be classified as 'wicked' ... would they? Let me think: Do my words, habits, actions, priorities glorify the Lord? Edify others? Line up with His Truth? Not talking about perfection here, but striving for likeness ~ Christ-likeness. It's a journey, a daily one.
I am reminded He will forgive my sin (wicked ways) and answer my earnest prayers.
Lord, thank you for granting me power and courage to approach your Throne room of grace. Please change my focus, my priorities to things that would glorify You. Please break my heart for the things which break Yours. Please forgive me for the things which grieve You and help me turn from them, all the while keeping my eyes on You. Please help me and all Your children realize the authority You have given us to effect change for Your kingdom. Please set my selfish desires aside and let me daily ask what You would have me do today. Speak to me, Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Happy Birthday, Kayden Faith!
I can't believe you're 6!

Waiting to see what will come out of the magic capsule.
Kayden and her Ashee!
Everybody needs a puppy ... or four.
Lifesong Grant Response
Since some have contacted me or posted questions, I will tell you where we are. As of June 30, we had received $550 of the $3000 match. That's when I asked for the extension and Lifesong granted it to July 15. Everything up to $3000 will be matched dollar for dollar, and any funds exceeding that amount will still be applied to our adoption costs, even though they won't be matched. I've provided the web, mailing address and phone number in the upper right-hand sidebar of this page. Lifesong administers funds for many non-profit ministries, and any funds received for our family must be designated Johnson #837 adoption.
We truly appreciate your prayers!
We truly appreciate your prayers!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
And the Winners are ...
No one has the same first name, so I don't need to post last names. Congratulations and thank you for entering!
Book Set: Jodi
Necklace Set: Stephanie
Necklace Set: Cindy
Handbag: Carol
Backpack: April
Cross Decor: Linda
Manicure Set: Lisa
Pedicure Set: Susan
Book Set: Jodi
Necklace Set: Stephanie
Necklace Set: Cindy
Handbag: Carol
Backpack: April
Cross Decor: Linda
Manicure Set: Lisa
Pedicure Set: Susan
Lifesong Grant
I just want to announce that last month we were awarded a matching grant from Lifesong. We've sent letters to our friends and church family, but the matching period was very short. Lifesong has graciously extended our deadline to July 15 to meet the match! They will match dollar for dollar up to $3,000, and any funds exceeding that will still come to our family because our costs are very high. We want to thank those who have already given, and we ask for prayer that God would provide the rest! To Him be the glory!
Givewaway Reminder
One last chance to enter. We will draw before noon CST. Good luck!
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