Help - Need Advice
Okay, question for you all. Does anybody use E-Meals? I just saw it - and Dave Ramsey recommends the service. It's basically an on-line subscription to a menu plan and shopping list, including specific grocery stores. And it's only $5 per month. I've been menu planning for quite a while now, mostly to save time and stick to a shopping list (it's a good idea anyway ;-), but I still find myself pondering over my well-worn menu and scratching my head. Just curious if anyone uses the service or if you know of a similar service that's free. Please leave me a comment with your ideas ...
never heard of it but it sounds great.
Well Connie you can send me your old worn out menu;0)
I am a Dave Ramsey fan but there are lots of free sites out there.
Here is one I use and it is sent to you weekly. Its ok and it's free.
I subscribe to the "everyone fend for yourself unless Daddy's cooking" dinner plan. You should try it! It makes dinnertime so nice for me!!
My plan is the "I'll make whatever I'm in the mood for" plan. Not the best for your self esteem because you get a lot of "what is this?" "how much do we have to eat?" and "I don't eat poop" comments.
I'm curious to find out what everyone else recommends!
Lol! I vote for Kitty's plan! :) Ours is more like the "Daddy isn't home at night and the kids really do like mac-n-cheese better than casserole I should have thought to throw together last night" plan! I struggle with the same too Connie and would love to hear any suggestions! Feel like I buy the same stinkin' stuff at the grocery store each week!
Hi Connie,
I use our crockpot alot. You could google crockpot recipes for ideas.
I follow a great site: She is waaay into couponing, budgeting, and menu planning. Snoop around her site to see if you can't find some help!!! I've been using her site to help us save $$ in preparation for baby #2!!! ;)
There is a blog called..
They have some good recipes that you can print out, and she's a major bargain hunter!
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