Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Just Keep Waiting, Waiting, Waiting ...
This is the part of the adoption journey that I dread the most ~ the waiting. You know, when you've done all you can do and now there's nothing more you can do ~ except wait. Oh, but in those times of waiting God has revealed much to us. He has never left us to fend for ourselves. He has walked through the valleys with us. He has opened our eyes and hearts to His plans. It's no secret that a new list of medical special needs files came out last Thursday. It was Friday when we found out, and I was a bundle of energetic nerves through Saturday ... but we never got 'the call.' Sunday I began to stop and listen to my heavenly Father, and He had so much to say. We don't know when He will reveal our daughter to us, but we know His plans are best. And so we wait.
Today, please remember the family of our superintendent who unexpectedly passed away Saturday. He was a very kind, humble and godly man. I know his service today will be difficult, but my prayer is that it will also bring comfort and hope to those who do not know Him.
Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace. ~Jerry Bridges~
Today, please remember the family of our superintendent who unexpectedly passed away Saturday. He was a very kind, humble and godly man. I know his service today will be difficult, but my prayer is that it will also bring comfort and hope to those who do not know Him.
Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace. ~Jerry Bridges~
Monday, March 30, 2009
Ready for Orders!
Our new scents and wax came in today so we're making candles tonight and can take orders! Check out the menu in the right-hand margin or the scroll-down PayPal above. We need to move 100 candles :)
Speaking of Falls Creek
Grateful Heart
Thou hast given so much to me,
Give one thing more - a grateful heart;
Not thankful when it pleaseth me,
As if Thy blessings had spare days,
But such a heart whose pulse
may be Thy praise.
~George Herbert~
Listen to the new lyrics I've added. Ruin Me by Jeff Johnson - awesome!
And The Winner Is ...
Congratulations, Holly!
Thanks to all who entered, and don't go away; there will be another drawing!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
There Will Be Days
I have lots more pictures to post but blogger is being contrary today! But what am I complaining about- we have power in near blizzard conditions!
This was Friday morning around 6 a.m.
Friday afternoon
Saturday morning.
Look at the snow!

We haven't lost electricity or phones, PTL! While the kids were playing this morning I slipped away for a quick shower, praising the Lord for hot water. However, when I checked back in, I found that in 10 minutes' time Kambry had wet her pants and removed them, and Kaeleb had pooped his diaper AND stuck both hands in it, a fact I was unaware of until while changing him I saw suspicious streaks on his shirt, then noticed his hands - ewwww gross! Yes, there will be days! But look at the beautiful snow!
This was Friday morning around 6 a.m.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Watching the Storm Roll In
We're on the map! Not a good thing in this case. The power outage that was once a low risk is now a real possibility. We've gone from mist to sleet to lightning to more sleet. The temp is now 33. Makes a nice little bed for the 12 inches of snow predicted to blow in. I've filled every pitcher I can find with drinking water. And now we watch it roll in. May you be safe!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Spring Line!

Faith ~ Peony
Hope ~ Downy April Fresh
Grace ~ Hawaiian Breeze
Strength ~ Botanical
Joy ~ Buttercream Crunch
Thanks a million for voting on the poll. I apologize if your favorite didn't make the cut, but some of the scents - well, sound better than they smell! We're also keeping a few of the not-so-seasonal favs but will be making them the 2nd or 3rd round. We should have all the supplies and have new candles ready for shipment next week! I'll get the new PayPal button ready soon. As always, please feel free to email me with your questions. Woohoo, spring is in the air (well, after the 12 inches of predicted snow :)
Don't forget to leave a comment on the Giveaway post!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Ya'll Ready For A Giveaway?!?

Who can enter: YOU (Just leave a comment)
When's the drawing: Monday, March 30th
Come on, what are you waiting for, leave me a comment and get in the drawing!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Jesus Loves Kambry
Please don't forget to turn off the sound at the bottom of the blog before you play this adorable video!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Doesn't Get Any More Random Than This
A lot has happened and lot more is going to happen! First I want to take my hat off to April and the youth for doing such an awesome job on our youth center! She took some of the kids shopping for paint last Monday, they insisted on getting started the same day and by Tuesday night it was done! Not too many people could take on a project like that and get it finished - you rock! Really looking forward to having 5th Quarters, Falls Creek promos and weekly lessons down there.

Oklahoma Hearts for Adoption has a speaking engagement this Tuesday. Pray that God would use us to encourage others contemplating adoption and/or orphan care.
We got to spend a day with Kuyler after his evangelism event, and we are so blessed by his heart for the Lord! We are so proud of you, son!

We are in the processing of installing our irrigation system for the sweet corn and are looking forward to having the business right here on our yard this summer. Those flowers sure will dress up the place, Kolton Tee!
My little ones haven't had a fever for 24 hours now, praise God!
The kids go back to school tomorrow, and the last nine weeks seem to fly by - yeah!
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Phil 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Phil 4:8
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Zoo day!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Little Ones
Please pray for my little Kaeleb Jon. He hasn't felt well all week, and he's really sick tonight. My poor baby who likes to drive his trucks just wants, "Mommy, holdy."
So, What's Next?
Glad you asked! As of today, we have submitted ALL documentation necessary to put us in line for a referral from the Shared Agency Waiting Child List (not sure that has sunk in just yet). A new list should be coming out in the next few weeks; however, we are not necessarily expecting to be matched that quickly. If not this time, perhaps next time. We are gladly on God's time table.
So basically, we have submitted our dossier for Lifeline to have authenticated then forward to CCAA (China Center for Adoption Affairs) or DTC (Dossier To China). Ten days or so after DTC we will be logged in (LID or Log In Date), which will be an official landmark in the paper process. I don't know what the new expected wait to travel from referral is, but I'm guessing late summer, early fall.
I want to praise God for His amazing plans and moving in the hearts of those who seek Him. There are three other families in our church who have responded to the call to adopt, and we are so thankful to be in the company of David & April, Dale & Tina and Tino & Ruth. That's four families in our church on the same journey to God's heart. This is not a large church, folks. We average an attendance of 100! Certainly God isn't just speaking adoption into the hearts of people - He's working in missions, children's ministry, youth, music and calling us to be a house of prayer!
And now, it has occurred to me I haven't posted pix of the kiddos in a while, so here ya' go.
Yeah, Baby, there's what the Approval looks like! It's not called an I171H anymore.
In all the busy-ness, we found time to visit the park.
So basically, we have submitted our dossier for Lifeline to have authenticated then forward to CCAA (China Center for Adoption Affairs) or DTC (Dossier To China). Ten days or so after DTC we will be logged in (LID or Log In Date), which will be an official landmark in the paper process. I don't know what the new expected wait to travel from referral is, but I'm guessing late summer, early fall.
I want to praise God for His amazing plans and moving in the hearts of those who seek Him. There are three other families in our church who have responded to the call to adopt, and we are so thankful to be in the company of David & April, Dale & Tina and Tino & Ruth. That's four families in our church on the same journey to God's heart. This is not a large church, folks. We average an attendance of 100! Certainly God isn't just speaking adoption into the hearts of people - He's working in missions, children's ministry, youth, music and calling us to be a house of prayer!
And now, it has occurred to me I haven't posted pix of the kiddos in a while, so here ya' go.
Yeah, Baby, there's what the Approval looks like! It's not called an I171H anymore.
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