Thursday, September 29, 2011
Released for Play!

She's Back!
So now we can fill two ginormous tanks with gas on days like today with 4 different doctors' appointments - oh joy!
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Weekend Randomness
Sunday, September 25, 2011
The Envelope

Friday, September 23, 2011
Seven Years Ago...
Thursday, September 22, 2011
We lost a dear friend this week in a tragic accident, and I just can't wrap my mind around the reality of it. Before noon Tuesday everything changed for that family.
A wife, a mama, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, a community-state-nationwide helper and lover of people went to be with Jesus.
I think back to when we were both first married and thinking about starting a family. When our boys were little and showing heifers that towered over them. When our boys played sports together. In February 2009 when we woke up to a flooded house, and she and her husband brought hot cocoa and muffins. And so much more.
Michelle made the most of every day! She lived and loved life.
God, I pray you will blanket this family with comfort and peace. Help them to find a new normal and keep the memories alive. And draw them near to You as they cling to the hope of seeing her one day in heaven.
Do you know Jesus? Do you have the hope of seeing your loved ones in heaven? It's the most important decision we will ever make. We don't know if we have tomorrow.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Kasidi Joy, you are a child of the God of redemption!
He has amazing plans for you, baby girl!
And the fact that I get to be your mommy leaves me in complete awe!
No life, no past, no heart...

~Dr. Karyn Purvis~
Created to Connect
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Hail Damage
Friday, September 16, 2011
Truth in words
I am so grateful.
Though I don't know this family, I know their struggle.
I know their joy.
I know their hurt.
I know their LORD!
Our closest friends know we are still "after the airport."
It's an amazing articulation of daily life in the trenches, on the mountaintop and everywhere in between, especially for parents of kids from hard places.
Go ahead, have a read.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Princess Road Trip
We snagged a little friend (Miss Emily).
And had lunch with a big friend (Thanks, Susan!).
Dr. Miller's nurse is so awesome she made 'little girl sized chairs' for the princesses.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
PT Cruiser

Monday, September 12, 2011
Mum's the Word!
We are selling mums again!
We've pre-ordered 50 large mums ~ 25 yellow and 25 orange.
Mr. Greenthumb is also growing pumpkins, and they will go nicely with a mum (or 10).
All proceeds go to our trip to BGCenter in November.

Sunday, September 11, 2011
She's Gonna Do It!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Friday Night Lights...in the ER

Dad joined Kolton in the ambulance...and we followed in hot pursuit in the Beast. (Which I now think you could add flashing lights and it would serve as an ambulance. Or add a flip-out stop sign and it would serve as a bus. Or maybe it's the new Winnebego.)
At first the ER doc was talking about breaking or seperating the growth plate in his hip...and that just doesn't sound good. X-ray revealed there is no bone involvement and the plate is fine! (thank You, Jesus!)
He's apparently torn, strained or seperated muscle(s) near his hip bone. You can actually see it move. He's really bummed at the thought of finishing the season on the sidelines...but we are praising the Lord it's not any worse! We see the ortho team Monday to learn more...
By the way, the Devils did score the touchdown to end the game!
*Thank you to everyone who gathered Kolton's things, hung around waiting for the news, followed us to the ER, prayed for Kolton and offered to take our kids! We so appreciate each one of you!!!*
Friday, September 9, 2011
Bags to Bring Kalia Home!
It's been an excruciating wait, full of trials, but Matt and Mandi are fighting for Kalia to come home.
There are two ways we can help!
1) Pray for God to continue to move mountains on Kalia's behalf, including miraculous provision.
2) Join their fundraising efforts to pay the orphanage donation by getting a shot at these beautiful Vera Bradley bags.

Please check out Mandi's blog for details.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
*UPDATE* Beyond Love ~ Redemption and Remediation Required!
*update at the bottom*
This is a really tough post to write. I struggle to keep a balance between my child's privacy, informing and encouraging prospective and adoptive parents and living out the purpose of this blog, which is to glorify God in all things. You may not share my opinion, but if you have not shared my experience, please be kind.
I remember when God broke my heart for older children waiting to be adopted. It totally caught me off guard. He showed me the plight of many left in their birth country with no family to care for them. He drew me to families who had walked this narrow path. He opened my eyes! While there are many ways to ‘defend the least of these,’ Clayton and I sensed clearly that God was asking us to open our hearts and home to an older child.
So we jumped in with both feet, armed with the Lord’s strength, the faith of a mustard seed and total dependence upon His provision.
We educated ourselves, prepared our children and soaked in peace beyond understanding, even though our son’s file was full of gaps and we were taking the road less traveled.
It was a gloriously exciting day when we met our son 22 months ago. He was scared to death, and so were we, but we soon warmed up to each other. We could tell right away that he had suffered neglect, and as much as he tried to hide it, the scars of his many losses were evident in his eyes.
We were probably naïve – no, we were naïve – in thinking if we just love our son enough, he will be whole again. We’re pretty laid back folk. We tend to take things in stride. Although we were prepared to fight for our son’s life and soul, we had no idea how big the battle would really be.
Early on we noticed immature behavior. Pretty typical for a child experiencing delays due to institutionalization. Then there was anger… Defiance and disobedience… Disrespect... Disconnect. .. Memory and language processing issues… Frustration…and anger.
Based on what little we’ve been able to understand about his past, his behaviors over the past 22 months, all the testing and treatment we’ve sought and the counseling consultations we’ve had, we believe we are dealing with an attachment disorder and other issues.
For this reason we have decided to take our son to the Boris Gindis Center for Cognitive-Developmental Assessment & Remediation in New York for a Combined Developmental, Neuropsychological and Educational Assessment
A combined developmental,
neuropsychological and psycho-
educational assessment conducted by
Dr. B. Gindis is recommended for a
child, exhibiting symptoms of certain
cognitive impairments (memory,
attention, comprehension, language
issues), behavioral problems or
emotional disturbance, the nature of
which needs to be understood to
develop a comprehensive remedial
program for this child. Our multifaceted
assessment includes developmental,
neuropsychological and psycho-
educational evaluation components; it establishes the diagnosis and provides detailed analysis of the neurological impairment in question as well as remedial programming and school-related educational recommendations for your child. Bgcenter.com
Our hope is that we will get answers regarding our son's educational/emotional/social/developmental needs so that we can implement the plan formulated by the BGCenter, allowing him to live a productive adult life of independence. Time is not on our side!
The only problem with this plan is that it’s costly. We estimate the trip to and services at BGCenter will cost approximately $6,300. Our insurance might refund some of the costs, but with our high deductable we aren’t expecting much, if anything. We know the Lord will provide the dollars we need to help our son in this way.
Since we believe this is necessary and we simply don’t have the funds, we have decided to hold some short-term fundraisers. This is a decision we’ve struggled with. We are willing to fight for our son, even if it means humbling ourselves once again, asking for prayer and support and working like the dickens to raise the money for special medical care.
The Lord is always faithful, and He never changes! We know that nothing and no one is beyond His redemption!
Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer. Psalm 4:1 (KJV)
I'm ashamed of even questioning God and His faithfulness!
Just this morning I set our BGCenter appointment for mid November and reviewed all the details of the trip. Meanwhile, Clayton and Kasidi were in town getting some things done to the van when he decided to go to lunch, turning into one place but realizing there wasn't much for Kasidi to eat there, he left and went elsewhere. He saw a family that buys corn from us, and they spotted Kasidi and started asking about the kids. He asked them to pray about our trip, and the woman said she wanted to help and would we accept a substantial amount of money toward the treatment?!? She wrote a large check and said, "It's from God!"
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are renewed every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." Lam 3:22-24
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Resting up from Labor Day :)
Our two families have grown by four kiddos since we were last together in April!
They arrived in time for our first football game of the season.
Saturday we went to the parade.
WTG, freshman class! Float champs you are! But that 'Class of 2015' thing is kinda weirding me out!
The theme: Around the World in 2011.

Thursday, September 1, 2011
Up in Your Grill
He left his DNA.
And possibly more.
Up in my grill...my door...and the door behind me.
He was fast.
Not fast enough.
In a split second I felt I had two choices: swerve and risk rolling my car, possibly injuring my babies, or hitting the critter and taking the damage.
I've never hit anything before, and I was surprised by the impact. And surprised at how sore my arms are from gripping the wheel...and my leg from mashing the brake.
Praise the Lord we are ok! I was able to drive the car, and the girls wouldn't have known anything happened but for my scream.
The up side: I get my exercise climbing over the console because my door won't open.
The adjuster will meet me next Wednesday *sigh*.
But we may be picking up the Mamavan at the airport Monday!!!!!
Lord, thank You for your protection!