Saturday, October 29, 2011
Home from St. Louis!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
It's a First
Monday, October 24, 2011
So This is the Face...

Out of curiosity I thought I'd check stats on the abortion rate for babies diagnosed prenatally with SB.
It's hard to get really good numbers, and they vary from state to state, year to year.
But the fact that we can still estimate 50 percent of babies are aborted after being diagnosed with spina bifida is astounding!
This baby with a 'birth defect' has so much heart and personality it astonishes me!
One mama gave her life...

...and now this mama is going to give her the best life possible! I sure can't imagine our family without her!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Girl on the go!
Inquiring minds want to know if I spend all day kissing her adorableness...
Feast Your Eyes on This!
Last night hubby concocted a marinade...
...slathered it on some baby back ribs...
...let it sit all night...
...then let them baste for 6 hours over a bed of hickory chips...
...just so we could gobble them up tonight!
Yep, feelin' the love!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Broken Things

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Change of Seasons
The change of seasons brings new colors, but the cool temperatures also bring the end of life to many once beautiful plants. They will soon wither and turn brown. But a miraculous thing happens to some plants. In dying, they produce seed, and next spring there will be new life, multiplied!
The same thing happens in our new life with Christ. It may seem like we are living radiantly…until we come to know Christ, and then a dying process must begin. We must die to ourselves, surrendering our old self to Him, exchanging our old dreams for His…and then we see new life!
Even though I know His plans are unfathomably good, His promises are not broken and He is completely unchanging and faithful, for me, the dying process is a daily one. Some days I’m in a virtual tug-of-war with the Lord, trying to take control. I know I just mess things up when I do this, and yet, in my humanness I continue to do so. It’s not that I want to go back to the ‘old’ life; it’s just that some seasons bring too much change, unpredictability and even heartache.
We are in such a season now. We thank the Lord for breaking our hearts for the things that break His, and for changing our lives through the miracle of adoption, but following Him is not always easy. Life for our child adopted as a teen has been difficult. He can’t fathom a ‘happily ever after’ because he’s never seen one. And he struggles with the idea that he could truly be loved. As his parents, we are fighting for every opportunity to help him excel. Above all else, he needs to know God’s love. Unfortunately for our son, it must be given in our human, futile, failing strength ~ unless we daily receive the Lord’s renewed mercies and lean on Him!
We know that spring will come, and with it, new life!
I posted this today on Katelyn's Fund blog.
Book Bindery
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Morning Routine
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Mine...or His?

Sunday, October 2, 2011
I've Got It!

I just glanced back at my day planner for last week.
We had physical therapy, Speech evals and picked up 74 mums Monday (sold out - praise the Lord!!!)
Delivered mums and worked Tuesday
See You at the Pole and delivered more mums Wednesday
Four doctor's appointments Thursday (one more in glasses)
School pictures Friday (you know what I mean!!!), worked in the morning, speech meetings in the afternoon, Homecoming...
I think I'm just wore plum out. I need a day off - L.O.L.!
No time for that. We've got more meetings this week, more doctors' appointments, we get to feed the football team Thursday and have 5th Quarter Friday.
But today...today I will worship the Lord and thank Him for giving me the energy to keep going, even when I feel I can't take another step. And I praise Him that in heaven I won't need a day planner!!!!
May He be the center of our attention today and every day.