Tuesday, December 7, 2010

We Can All Make a Difference!

Some very special friends asked us to share our adoption testimony on video. Since I can't sing, I can't dance, and I can't talk about adoption without bawling like a baby, this is the best I could do.
You've seen the pix and heard the music, but I've added text.


Jodi said...

Beautiful!! Thank you God for providing!

Cari said...

That is an amazing story! Now you've made me bawl like a baby. :) Praying for ya, girl!

Adeye said...

Amazing, amazing, amazing!!!!!!!

Intentional Living Homestead said...

Absolutely amazing...I bawled through the whole thing. I don't even know what to say except THANK YOU for sharing your precious family through this video...you have weakened my heart...but given me new strength.


Shelley said...

Beautiful Connie! Thank you for sharing with all of us.

Kitty said...

Perspective!! That's what it's all about! You are amazing servants of the Lord, and the video you have made is an absolute testament to His power and provision! Thank you for sharing your lives so openly!! I love you all!!

Tracie said...

I happened across your blog, and now I LOVE YOU! LOL I have three kiddos that we adopted internationally and now God has called us to the crazy-hard path of adopting through the US foster care system. I would love to go back to China or South Korea for another special blessing kid! Alas, I don't think we would ever meet the income to family member ratio again. I'm sure I will be dropping by for more inspiration from time to time! It is so awesome to find sisters in Christ with hearts like mine.

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