Little did we know the next two months would be filled with "waiting weekends." Wait the weekend for TA. Wait the weekend to confirm our CA. Too much time to pack, repack and prepare for travel. But we built lasting relationships with our travel companions, and this summer we'll celebrate our first anniversary! We had no idea God would pour out His blessings so abundantly. Kambry Hope, you are an answer to many prayers! You melted my heart one year ago, and you melt my heart today! If you'd like to see pictures from our journey to Kambry, including "Gotcha Day" April 2, 2007, you can view our website here.
PS: I just went to Kambry's site and read what I wrote the day we were homeward bound from China. Here is an excerpt:
This is a bittersweet day for us. We are thrilled to be going home. We miss our kids, our beds, our friends and family so much. But China captured our hearts 2 and a half years ago. This is the birth country of 2 of our children. As we wave goodbye, we leave a part of our hearts here once again. If you could see Clayton talking to the Chinese people, you would understand. He is very much at home in China. He has been able to share some 'good news.'
With the stringent new regulations imposed upon prospective adoptive parents, we are nearly certain we won't be able to adopt again. There is too much finality in that. My heart breaks for the children who may never have a family. We know there is a Father greater than any earthly father, and I hope they will one day know Him. We look forward to coming back for our daughters' birthland tour in about 7 years, but in the meantime we pray God has something huge in the works.
Ha! I'd say He had something huge in the works. Just look at the sweet angel at the top of this blog. I've said it before and I'll say it again, His plans are far greater than anything we can even imagine! This post was a little longer than I planned. So again, our two year wait and complete travel journal is here.