This is the design of God among his people. He is giving unlikely people his power so it is clear who deserves the glory for the success that takes place.
-David Platt-
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Country Livin'
What did I do? I went and married a country guy (almost 25 years ago!), and we've been country folk ever since...and lovin' it. The kids love it too! Except for the times they ask to go to the park and we say, "We live in a park so go play" :)
We don't have a yard fit for a magazine cover or landscaped flower gardens, but we have plenty of dirt for digging, trails for walking and sledding and lots of space and timber for Osc*r M*yer roasts. And now we have a 'prayer garden.' In their spare time, Kayden and Kenzie blazed a trail to the cross that Kolton 'planted' a while back. Country life - it's the best!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Song in My Heart
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Slipped Through the Cracks...
...but always in the hands of the Father. I'm talking about our son, Kooper. Nine months ago we met him for the first time. In April when we received his referral, we wondered why this 13 year old boy had to wait so long for a family to call his own. Little did we know, the more answers we sought, the more questions would arise.
As in many cases, his referral information was outdated, incomplete and ultimately, inaccurate. To this day we don't know where our son spent the first six years of his life. According to the information, he was at the orphanage, which happens to be a Half the Sky facility, but HTS has no record of his enrollment in their preschool.
As his new language improves, he is able to share more of his past. The biggest obstacle now is the cultural stigma of doing so. He's obviously never been taught or allowed to express his feelings, therefore causing him to be out of touch or unable to identify his emotions.
He's also under the impression if he doesn't talk about it, it will go away or he can pretend the abuse he endured in the estimated nine years with his foster family never occurred. Yes, I said abuse. Our hearts are broken for our son. At this time we don't know the depths of the abuse, but we know it has calloused his heart. Gradually, he is letting down the barriers. It took six months for him to admit he was abused. We don't know how long it will take for him to share the rest. We've begun counseling, and he is surprisingly open with his therapist.
We've explained that his heart is like an open wound (like when he smashed his finger), and it can heal. We've learned to read the signals and recognize when the memories haunt him and disrupt his daily life. It's so hard to be never know experience change countries and cultures as a trust a super-size family who looks, talks and acts different from anyone you've ever known...
I'm so proud of how Kooper is adapting to all the changes. There are more to come once school starts, but he is slowly gaining the confidence to accept challenges and trust that we will always be here, no matter what.
The main struggles now are his inability to fall asleep at night, his fear of failure and his desire to be alone. It seems he is consumed by thoughts that keep him awake and cause him worry. Now that we recognize the signs in the morning, we are able to talk to him about his worries and ease his mind.
He's never been challenged before. In fact, it seems no one had the time to help him learn. Apparently, if he said he couldn't do something, he was brushed aside and given an easier task or assignment. The truth is, he is a very bright kid whose memory is amazing when exercised! He just lacks the confidence to believe he can succeed.
His 'safe place' is to be alone. He doesn't have to think, talk, feel or try or please anyone. We are learning that he needs some alone time, and he is learning when to try harder to interact with the family. He lacks the ability to solve even the simplest problems. Through a series of questions and demonstrations, we are able to instill confidence and skills to do so.
Though it seems this child has simply slipped through every societal crack, and his past is nearly nonexistent as far as documentation, he has always been in the loving care of the Father, who is ever so patiently drawing him closer!
Just a Shout Out... my awesome God! First, we asked Him to bring the crop...and He did!
Then we asked Him to bring the people...and He is!
After all, a harvest isn't very profitable if the farmer has to leave the crop in the field. There have been a couple of times it seemed impossible to move all the corn we picked in a day...and in His perfect timing, the Lord brought the people and we sold out.
Next week we will begin to harvest the most productive stalks and we've been looking for a big market for Thursdays. Today we had a customer drive 90 miles to buy a bag of corn. This customer just happens to own a large lot beside W@l-M@rt and has invited us to set up shop on Thursdays!
That's my God!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Freezing Fresh Sweet Corn
I finally seized had a chance to put up some corn today ~ 2 bags, to be exact! Since I was asked, I will share how I preserve our corn in the freezer.
First, gather supplies:
Quart-size freezer bags
Large boiling pot
Knife or corn scraper
Trays or containers to hold corn
Lots of help if you can find it :)
***If you like to freeze the ears for corn on the cob, you need gallon size freezer bags. (How I wish I'd had some of those at this point!)

And suddenly, my help disappeared when it was time to clean up the sticky mess!
***Another freezing method we've tried is to leave the corn in the husk and place a meal portion in a brown paper bag, then freeze. If you have the space, it's a quick way to preserve your fresh corn for grilling later! Just remove from the paper bag and place in cold water till it's thawed...and grill away!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I Like Corn...
cut corn,
canned corn,
corn kabobs,
corn chowder,
corn fritters,
corn on the grill,
creamed corn...
:) :) :) :)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
A Difference?
If I had a quarter for every time I've heard, "You can't save them all," ... well, I'd have a LOT of quarters!
So many times we see the need, and it seems so overwhelming that we begin to question how we can really make a difference....and so we don't.
We are petrified by the size of the need and comforted by the reality that we are only one person or one family, ill-equipped at that!
But it's amazing to me that God will use those least likely. Look at Jesus! Of course, there is a distinct difference between Jesus and us because He was fully God and fully human. But He wasn't recognized as who He really was ~ the Savior. Unfortunately, many today still don't recognize Him for who He is.
We also don't recognize ourselves ~ God's greatest creation put here for the purpose of living out His love with our lives. Throughout the ages God has raised up ordinary folks to do extraordinary things for His glory!
So the next time someone says we are too small to make a difference, think about the difference one God-Man made, the difference He has made in us, and the difference He will equip us to make, even if only to one other person.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Corn ~ Family Style
It consumes our days now...but that's a great thing! It's a family business, and it takes the whole family (and then some) to keep it going!
Our corn is hand sorted and fed into an electronic bagger, under the careful supervision of too many bosses :).
That's the business...and that's the family!
Gotta get back to work ~ we've got 5 weeks to go :)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Another One Coming Home!
No, I Have Not...
...fallen off the face of the Earth! But I am chasing my tail. We are three days into corn harvest ... and evening VBS...and life as a supersized family. Right now I'm not sure when the day ends and a new one begins, but I am praising the Lord for every minute of the Khaos!
Lots on my mind but not a minute to share it. Stay tuned...I hope to catch up soon!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
That's the best word I can think of to describe what's been going on in my heart within the past week and a half. Don't get me wrong; I'm very stubborn, selfish, independent and all those other 'human' things. But the journey of reformation is under way!
For the past three months I've been asking the Lord to do something miraculous in my heart. I've asked for the ability to pour out all the grace that He pours into me. I've asked for the strength to love in unlovely circumstances. I've asked for reminders that He works in all things for the good of those who love Him. I've asked for perspective, focusing on what I've gained rather than what I perceive I have lost. I've asked God to make a radical difference in my heart, one that only He is capable of.
I am so human... but there is reformation...
And it is a journey.
It begins with time spent in the Truth.
Then time spent in prayer.
Asking. Listening. Responding.
It is intentional, purposeful, constant.
And now I see glimpses of a difference, a difference in me, by Him!
As with any great journey, it will not end soon. Because the difference is not complete. I am so human.
I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you... Eph 1:18
"But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart..." Matthew 15:18
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jer 29:13
Saturday, July 10, 2010
guilt trip?
My 8 Treasures and I spent the afternoon at the pool ... Even though there are a million things I COULD be doing : laundry; preparing for VBS next week; laundty; cleaning; laundry; returning corn calls; laundry; baking a cake for tomorrow ... And laundry. No guilt here! Our 'lazy' summer ends at 4 a.m. Next Tuesday :). Bring it on!!!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Mr. Greenthumb went to the field to hand pick corn this morning. He typically uses the automated picker behind the John Deere, but this was a special case.
A few months ago, he took a seed... a seed that was dead...
planted it in fertile soil...soil that had been nourished and prepared...
he added water, and the seed took root and sprouted to life. Then came the storms...storms that beat the tender living plants.
Some of the weathered plants wilted and failed to thrive as a result of the storms. Others continued to grow, straight and tall, reaching for the sunlight.
But when harvest time came, the gardener had to select the plants which bore good fruit, suitable for the finish.
Even the fruit that was harvested had to be further sorted...hand-selected for the next stage of the journey.
Have I died to my 'self' and allowed the Gardener to take root in the soil of my heart, accepting His loving care, peering toward the Son, despite the storms? Oh, how I want to bear the fruit worthy of the finish!

The Lord will guide you always;
He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail.
Isa 58:11
Thursday, July 8, 2010
8 Months Home!
Really? 8 months? In some respects it seems like yesterday we stepped off the plane with our two newest Treasures, Kooper and Kinley others it seems a lifetime ago!
"God gives us the vision, then He takes us down to the valley to batter us into the shape of the vision, and it is in the valley that so many of us faint and give way. Every vision will be made real if we will have patience...
God has to take us into the valley, and put us through fires and floods to batter us into shape, until we get to the place where He can trust us with the veritable reality...
Don't lose heart in the process. If you have ever had the vision of God, you may try as you like to be satisfied on a lower level, but God will never let you."
~Oswald Chambers~
And the parched ground shall become a pool.
Isaiah 35:7
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Ridiculously Easy Recipe!
Really ~ this is so easy it's ridiculous! And delicious! And hides the cheese :) Add a salad and a loaf or two of bakery French bread, and it's a hit! (Hint ~ if you're like this country gal and never used Pesto sauce before, it comes in a small jar)
Chicken Pesto
1 pkg (8 oz) Angel Hair pasta
1 jar prepared Pesto sauce
1 tsp olive oil
1 cup cooked, cubed chicken
Salt and pepper to taste
8 oz finely shredded Parmesan cheese
Prepare pasta according to directions. In non-stick skillet, place chicken in heated oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Mix prepared pasta, chicken, Pesto sauce and cheese and serve.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Two More of These ...
...and Mr. Greenthumb will be in the field every morning at 4 and we will be on the sorter/bagger at 5!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Our Week at the Creek!
Praying before we leave
Saturday, July 3, 2010
on our way home!
Can I just say ... We serve a Mighty God!!! He has spoken to hearts and transformed lives this week! Soon I will post pix of our week at the Creek. We had an amazing group of students and sponsors with servant hearts. We will give our report tomorrow. Then I get to see three of my babies and my extended family - woohoo! Know what's so cool - the same God who spoke to us at camp this week is going home with us...and He is with you too!!!
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