Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007

I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. Psa 40:1

"Believing with you ~ in the wisdom of His ways, in the goodness of His love, and in the assurance of His presence as He keeps you every step of the way."
Those words speak volumes to me as I realize we are not on this journey alone. Anyone who has been down the path of adoption knows the journey is unpredictable, challenging, emotional and draining in many respects. I praise the Lord for so many friends who "get it" and are willing to hold our hands as we walk through the fire, ready to embrace us on the other side. If you are an adoptive parent, whether waiting or blessed to have completed the journey, I give you my biggest cyber hug
..."I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Mat 25:40
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Trash or treasure?
Oh, the treasures in our trash! Mom's secret is out ... the key to getting over that midday slump ~ Diet Mountain Dew!
Monday, October 22, 2007
What a difference a day (or two) makes ...
So what do you do when you've built your home to accommodate the 3 children God has blessed you with ... and then He blesses you with 3 more (oh, and adding on is out of the question because of adoption costs)? Improvise! We've repainted, removed clutter and rearranged. Painting is NOT my kind of project, especially 3 rooms in 3 days, but when I set my mind to do something, I tend to finish it. Of course, this means everything else went by the wayside, including the obligatory 4 loads of laundry per day, so today is catch-up, but look at the kids' "new" rooms!
This was Kolton's room, and now it's Kenzie's room

This was Kuyler's "OU" room (don't worry, son, you still have a place to sleep when you come home from college!). Now it's Kolton (and Kaeleb's) room.

And this was Kenzie and Kayden's room. Now it's Kayden and Kambry's room, which means the crib is out of our room. Daddy added the extra touch of ladybugs on the walls :)

As for our adoption process, we really expect to receive our PA this week, and be DTC! Maybe then we can just chillax this weekend!
This was Kolton's room, and now it's Kenzie's room
This was Kuyler's "OU" room (don't worry, son, you still have a place to sleep when you come home from college!). Now it's Kolton (and Kaeleb's) room.
And this was Kenzie and Kayden's room. Now it's Kayden and Kambry's room, which means the crib is out of our room. Daddy added the extra touch of ladybugs on the walls :)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Nearly official!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
While we wait for PA ...
... I just need to ramble (imagine that :) I continue to receive emails and comments from people who saw our Kaeleb on the WC list and prayed that his Forever Family would find him. It warms my heart to know God has honored the intercession of so many in uniting us with our sweet boy! To those who have prayed for our son, thank you! Every time you email us, it brings us to tears (of joy!). Even with all God has done and continues to do, it still amazes me that He has orchestrated every step of this journey to bring Kaeleb home ... from the way we "found" him, to a miracle in his referral paperwork, to God's abundant provision. Even in the waiting, He is blessing us. And to those mommies and daddies waiting on your Foshan NanHai sweeties, we plan to return the favor and pray over each one of them when we travel!
Totally off the subject ...
Thank you, LP, for the awesome sign!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
How much can we do in one week?
We're exhausted.
Here are a few random shots from the week.
My sweet girls
Friday, October 5, 2007
Spirit week and next fundraiser
Last week was Spirit Week, and the kids participated with enthusiasm!
Even the Wookie (Kambry)!
How can we lose with a cheering section like that :)
Now we're preparing for our next fundraiser. We're having a 2-day garage sale October 12 and 13. We've got tons of donated items, it's in a great location, and we're prepared to work hard. I praise the Lord for our dear friends who are putting the project together!
Now we're preparing for our next fundraiser. We're having a 2-day garage sale October 12 and 13. We've got tons of donated items, it's in a great location, and we're prepared to work hard. I praise the Lord for our dear friends who are putting the project together!
It's been a week!
This has been one of those emotionally charged, roller coaster, adoption related weeks! I'm happy to say it's nearly over, and I think we've made progress. It's the kind of week that I find it easy to lose perspective. Fortunately, I know where to regain it. And this passage is just what I needed today:
and these:
and these:
I am reminded this week that the good things in this life don't usually come easily. These "paper pregnancies" are at the top of my list right now. But it's so worth it all. This day started out on a very depressing note with the thought we might add 2 more months to our wait, but I attribute the positive outcome to the prayers of faithful friends. By next Tuesday we should have our notarized home study in hand and on its way to our agency for the authentication process. Then we'll be DTC (dossier to China) and wait for LID (log in date), and the countdown to LOA (letter of acceptance) begins. The wait is anywhere from 69 to 150 days. Then we'll wait for TA (travel approval), usually 14-45 days, then CA (consulate appointment) and leave for China! I am so ready for an update and new photos of my precious boy.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. James 1:2-3
Gotta love that James! I also regain my perspective in moments like these:
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