The last week of school is always crazy, isn’t it? But this year was next level with baccalaureate on Wednesday, Kaeleb’s 8th graduation Thursday and Kayden’s senior graduation Friday!
We survived!! In fact, we thrived!I’m especially grateful this year for the Lord awakening dry bones in me and that I could have clean pressed clothes for 12 people for 3 nights in a row, plan a party and enjoy every minute of it.
How about some pics!
Congratulations, Kaeleb Jon! You are now a 9th grader, and we are so proud of you!
I’m keeping this photo because Keagan’s expression 😂And because 9th grade boys 😎
Hmmm, too cool for the camera.
You mamas know that once they enter high school times flies, so I’m trying not to blink!
This girl! She’s got a bright future ahead, and she’s launched with a firm foundation in the Lord! We’re so proud of her accomplishment as Valedictorian, and so blessed by all the scholarships she received to attend OSU!
We snuck in a couple of four gen pics ♥️💙Miles, Kuyler, Mama and Grandma💙
Cherished memories.
When Kayden told me she wanted a charcuterie board for her party, I might have panicked for a minute 😉 But then I started making lists, went shopping and called in Kenzie and her creativity! She did a beautiful job 🎉🎉
As we begin our summer break, I’m aware that some students never entered the classroom this year. We were very fortunate to finish strong, after a bit of a rough start.
*Note to self* We will have a graduation every year for the next 9 years, but won’t have double grads till 2024 and beyond 😎
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