Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hola Granola!

My friend Lori has an amazing knack for whipping up things that taste so good!
Every recipe I've tried has been a hit! ***
I finally got a chance to try her granola last weekend...

...and it is amaaaaaazing!  My people have been eating it over yogurt, in milk and by the handful!
You can find Lori's original recipe HERE,
and here's my adaptation:

1 stick unsalted butter
2/3 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup honey
2 tsp vanilla
Put all that in a pan and warm it slowly on the stove while you mix up the dry ingredients, adding the vanilla after the butter is melted and sugar is dissolved.
Mix together:
4 cups oats (I actually used Quick oats, and they worked fine!)
3/4 cup roasted and salted cashews, chopped
3/4 cup whole natural almonds, chopped
1 cup shredded coconut
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
Pour warm, melted butter mixture into bowl of dry ingredients, blend well.  Spread mixture onto buttered cookie sheet.  Bake for 15 minutes at 325 degrees.  Remove from oven and stir granola.  Bake for 15 more minutes, and stir again.  I didn't need to bake any longer, but if necessary, bake 10 more minutes or until granola is golden brown.  Let cool, and store in a sealed container.

***Lori is one of my skinny friends, so as I strive for a more fit me, I'm serving a lot of great things to my krew, while I only get  a nibble :)  Pity, I know :)

1 comment:

Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Oh, you make me laugh! You're adorable putting me in your 'skinny friends' category.

So glad you enjoyed the granola. :)

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