Suds are duds
Last November after repairing our failing washing machine for several years we finally bit the bullet and bought a new front load washer and dryer set. I can do lots more laundry at a time, and it's been awesome ... until today! I was so looking forward to a day doing Mommy things, including many days worth of laundry. Apparently I've used too much soap or we've got a clogged drain line because my washer is locked shut! So my first load of laundry is still inside, soaking wet, locked tightly out of my reach. Now, where oh where is my old fashioned washer that I could just open the lid and drop 50 pounds of bath towels in????
Oh no! I wonder what happened?
We, too, just broke down and got a new washer and dryer--front loading. I love love love them! You'll love that the dryer is done at the same time as the washer!
I hope your problem is fixed......
Oh, Connie. I feel your pain! That happened to us too, last summer, hot steamy Arkansas day in late August, and my washer was holding hostage every single bra I owned, other than a navy blue sports type. When I called Sears (because we had foolishly bought the warrenty) they told me it would be 5 days before they could get a repairman out. I was pretty sure that by the time they got there, my stuff would be so covered in black mildewed fur that it would ably walk out the newly opened door of my washer on it's own and declare it's civil rights! I LOVE my front loader...really do, never want to go back, but that is definately one downside. Another, that you will likely discover this summer, is that towels will mildew in that airtight compartment a bit faster than they did in your top loader. Ie: don't be tempted to start a load of towels as you are leaving the house in the morning before work...on a hot, steamy day in OK.
(Jarrett and Cara's Mommy)
My washer and dryer came over on the Mayflower, so I can't relate to the frontloader type, but I admit I was laughing pretty hard...
But my laughter turned rockus at the thought of every bra being held hostage...
Love you, friend. Sorry I have been too busy to catch up.
Hey, I was thinking about getting that kind....hmmm maybe not??? Hope your problem is fixed soon. I can't stand going without my W/D for very long!!
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