I recently joined the Yahoo group for Kaeleb's orphanage and have been encouraged that so many of the adoptive parents are able to visit when traveling to receive their children. And most of the parents are able to photograph the children in the SWI, especially at the request of their waiting parents. Some people have prayed over each child, including one mommy who traveled in June. I don't need to describe her reaction to our Kaeleb, as her words say it all. I continue to praise God for the relationships He's given us through the adoption journey. We have received messages from two people who tell us Kaeleb has a laugh that is contagious. Oh, how that makes my mommy's heart dance. Now, the words from a sweet mommy:
You don't know how many times I have thought of him since our visit. I wasn't sure if he was a boy or girl (with the hair and clothing you just can't tell) but I thought it was a "he". He has the most precious laugh that just rolls...just one little chuckle after another that is contagious. His eyes are bright and captivating. I was really smitten with him. He would just hold my hand and not let me go. I played with him for a long time and would have snatched him up in a minute if I could. I am soooooo happy that he now has a family. He was one of the faces that I just could not forget...one of the babies that laid heavy on my heart. I am thrilled!