Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Corn 101

I've learned so much in the past four years since we started growing sweet corn.
My wealth of knowledge is so large, I thought I should share it with you - HA!

So in honor of our last two weeks of Sweet Corn 2012 I will share some little-known facts with you.

For instance, did you know you can have a deeeeee-lish-us snack in 2 minutes?

Take a beautiful ear of corn, still in the husk...

gently peel back the husk and add a smidge of butter (hey, smidge is a relative term). Mr. Greenthumb's corn is so sweet I don't use butter or salt, but many people prefer it so for the majority...
lay the husk back in place...
put into the microwave for 2 minutes...
the husk slides right off and you've got a snack! Be careful though, it's VERY HOT!
Do try this at home! It's awesome!
You're welcome :)


Patientlywaiting said...

Wish you could hook a girl up with that yummy goodness! Corn crop here is don't irrigate and no rain since May.


Sarah said...

Hi Connie,
Sarah Risley here. Wanted to encourage you that we bought 2 wil olive tees under your family code:)
Your little peanut is just too cute! God will provide every step of the way.
Grace and peace to you

Our family said...

Hi Connie, just put a post on my blog about your Nikon fundraiser. I left another comment under the last post about the give-away but failed to leave my email address - just in case I win : )
Our corn has already come and gone - boo hoo!

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