Thank You, Jesus!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
One of 'those' conversations
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Hope for Today *update*
*update below*
I must confess that the pace of life right now is much faster than I prefer. I’d rather stroll through the day, taking time to enjoy every moment. But today’s reality is a marathon of rushing here and there, rarely finishing a conversation, spending much too little time with my children and often wondering if I’ve missed an important appointment or deadline. This kind of chaos leaves me empty. I lack perspective, energy, desire …and sometimes even hope.
Can you believe that? I have the assurance of eternal life, yet lack the hope for today. Something’s gotta give!
As stewards of an abundant crop and parents to ten beautiful children, our summer days are anything but lazy. Most days we are exhausted. Have you ever been there ~ so tired or confused you can’t remember how to put one foot in front of the other, let alone make a decision beyond what’s for supper?
The Lord has poured out His blessings on our family ~ I know this! But the truth is, some blessings come with a price. I say this not so you’ll feel sorry for me, but to encourage you! Maybe you’re there. You’re seeking the Lord; you’re responding in obedience…and in the midst of it all there is despair. Even though we know we have an opportunity to grow in the hard places, we sometimes lack that perspective in the moment-by-moment encounters that seem to wrestle us to the ground.
This week I’m asking the Lord not necessarily to help me see in the dark, but to lead me through the dark with hope. I have such limited vision of His grand plans that I can easily get lost in the momentary troubles. Yet I know in my heart His plans are good and He is faithful to bring them to fruition. He has given me the opportunity to seize abundant life here and now, this side of heaven. That is my hope.
By faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope. Galatians 5:5
Even when I see nothing in the darkness, am I willing to walk through it with Him? When my cup seems filled with sorrow, am I willing to drink it? I want the answer to be “YES”! I’m clinging to His hand and claiming His promises, waiting expectantly for a glimmer of light that I KNOW will come. He is already stirring my heart! I am intentionally seeking Him, poring over His promises. I can stand victoriously, even in the darkness!
One of the ways He refreshes me is through prayer…for others. I love intercessory prayer. In January I started a new prayer journal and prayed through your requests daily until my trip to China. By that time many of your prayers had been answered!
So…it’s time to update my prayer journal. I would be honored to stand in the gap for you. If you’d like me to pray for you, please either leave a comment or email me.
*Thank you for allowing me to pray for you! I've gotten your comments and emails and intend to respond to each one. Ya'll have blessed me so much by allowing me to pray for you!*
How can I pray for you?
Monday, July 25, 2011
I've Got Your Number
Sunday, July 24, 2011
10 Years Old!
Why do I believe what I believe?
Because I am forever changed!
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Saturday, July 23, 2011
My Wild Child
Friday, July 22, 2011
He's a farm kid so he knows the ropes, but still...
Seriously, congratulations, Kolton Tee!!!!
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
Absolute Kissability
And she's up!
We'd better add "huggability" to the vocab too!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Just Gotta' Say
Praise the Lord!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Happy Birthday, Kayden! (a little late)
Girlie, you've been stringed!
Oh look - it's a brother! She'd tell you she didn't need that :)
Kayden's birthday falls around the 4th of July and usually when I'm at Falls Creek. And we have several June being the ever-so-efficient mom that I am, we celebrate late. Her request this year: "I want a birthday party...and I DON'T want it in August!" :) :) :)
Monday, July 18, 2011
Ties That Bind
You've heard of the 'red couch' photo...
Thank you, Darrin, Becky, Kaylee and Emma, for taking a detour on your vacation to spend the evening with us! What a beautiful thing to see our girls together again!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Company's Comin'!!!
Friday, July 15, 2011
HIS Crop; HIS Glory!
This corn trailer was in our yard. Thank goodness it stopped here!
Back yard after some cleanup
Several trees uprooted in the tree line north of our house
We are so grateful for His miraculous protection!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Prayers, Neighbors and Gratitude!
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Please pray!
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Big Girl!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Random Acts of Khaos
Imagine how good it is!
So they missed 'dinner and a show,' but they arrived in time for the after-meal malling!
They are awesome sports, wouldncha say??
I know it's blurry, but still...